Monthly Archives: May 2011

Linux 3.0

Linus has decided that the next version of Linux will be 3.0 . Prepare for all the shoddy programs that check for 2.6 version numbers to break, and people who don’t read the release notes to blame it on major changes that didn’t happen.

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Mobile Emulation

As promised, some poking about with emulation for mobile OSes. The big take-away is that MeeGo is in bad shape, and that WebOS is brilliant, and if HP can get their shit together with real availability of competent hardware and regular software updates, deserves to be wildly sucessful.
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Natty Virtualbox

I’ve been playing with virtual machines a lot lately, and one of the more interesting uses was getting to check out the mess that is Ubuntu 11.04 without devoting any hardware to the experiment. In the same spree I have also installed a bunch of the mobile OSes that run on devices slated for release this summer – if I get to it I’ll put up another post about the results of trying to indulge my curiosity about those later.

The short version is “Everything bad you have heard about Unity is true.” Lots of places have taken some time out recently to hate on it, but it is so hatable I just can’t resist. It really reminds me of broken OS X, with even fewer configuration options. I also has lots of things that happen automatically… under circumstances that take some experimentation to figure out: for example, the dock-thing that lives down the left side of the screen (no, you can’t move it) will sometimes side out of view – it has to do with occlusion by other windows, but the circumstances under which it appears and disappears seem almost non-deterministic. The dock-thing also handles large numbers of displayed applications very poorly, collapses extras toward the top with a sort of accordion fold graphic, where they aren’t easily visible. I didn’t catch a picture of it, but it also uses a mac-like “all menu bars in the top bar” scheme, in which it occludes the application’s name with it’s menu in a move reminiscent of the centered apple menu on early OS X builds.

The main menu emerges from an unobtrusive little rectangle in the top left corner, which is part of the dock-thing, not the top bar it occludes. The menu itself is one of those Freeform Search + Icons things that so many platforms have adopted recently – I’m pretty ambivalent about the design in general; well made examples do have a lot of potential in that they hook both “Knowledge in the head” (name of program/task) and “Knowledge in the world” (visual memory for icon, etc.). The problem is they tend to ruin spatial/hierarchal modes by dynamically re-ordering programs under some ambiguous scheme. This one is neither the best nor the worst example I’ve tried to use.

Some familiar desktop interface elements are missing or replaced with less flexible alternatives; for example the system tray appears to be gone – you still get dbus notification popups (for which there is no dismiss button, they just time out when they are good and ready), and fixed-function messenging and media tray objects, but there isn’t a general-purpose tray for tray applets or things like VLC and Pidgin to dock themselves. In a related behavior, I spent about 20 minutes trying to figure out the integrated media player features – a tray-thing for Banshee lives inside the volume icon in the not-a-tray, whether or not Banshee is running, and because of its launch behavior it is really hard to quit Banshee, or even figure out if it is running. It also doesn’t appear to be removable, and there doesn’t appear to be any way to replace it with another media player.

Another thing that combines many of the above problems: the workspace and task switching behavior is actually worse than OS X’s – something I didn’t think was possible. There is no straightforward way to get a window list, anywhere – at best, there is a pip next to each icon in the dock-thing for each active window, which counts over all virtual desktops. If you click the dock-thing icon for an application with multiple windows, it does an exposé-like action and tiles large thumbnails of all the application’s windows in front of you – regardless of which desktop they are on.

The familiar dynamic “Tiny representation of each virtual desktop” switcher that has been around since the mid 80s is gone – instead, there is an ambiguous static button in the dock-thing, which brings up an exposé-like overview of your desktops. The same view can be summoned up with Super+S. You can at least interact with windows while it is zoomed out to the overview, like you otherwise would in the dynamic switcher.
All these “wonderful” 3d features descend from a common misfeature- the entire desktop is GL. Not composited – GL. Its interactions with other GL programs are fascinating and generally horribly broken. While playing with it I had to kill a glxgears instance because the display corrupted and stopped updating while it ran – there isn’t a GL program simpler than glxgears. I also get some weird GL redraw issues switching in and out of the virtual machine, but that is an interaction, not an intrinsic problem.
There are a handful of good things, in particular, the installer does something very right: once you have given enough input to begin installation, it starts moving things over to the hard disk, and it does everything requiring input up front in one pass, rather than the usual intermittent prompts that cause the installer to stop wait for input. More installers need to do that; keeping state isn’t hard, and stopping at random intervals to prompt for user input is broken. It’s also worth noting that making Unity work in Virtualbox is easy: enable 3D Acceleration in the VM, tap the menu item to install VirtualBox Guest Additions, give the password for the automatic installation script, and reboot. Next time it comes up, you get Unity.
I agree with the idea that computer UI could use improvement; I wouldn’t be looking at it as an area of research if I didn’t believe it was an intresting problem. If Unity were being presented as an experiment, I would be looking at it like E17– not exactly practical, but interesting, and good enough for the dedicated to run full time as part of the experiment. Instead, Canonical has foisted it upon the world as finished software, and set it as the default in the currently in vogue “easy” Linux distribution, and it is totally unacceptable from that perspective.

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XBMC Lives On

I just upgraded my (ancient, bought used, and thoroughly hacked within hours) Xbox’s XBMC install to the new XBMC4Xbox 3.0.1 stable release that came out Thursday. I continue to be amazed that there is still a team of hackers maintaining XBMC for the original Xbox hardware (the main XBMC team deprecated it as a target platform over a year ago), and that it is still the slickest media center I’ve ever used. It actually took me a minute to remember how to update the dash, since I hadn’t changed the configs on the Xbox in almost two years (fyi: in my configuration, shortcut xbe named “xbmc.xbe” as that is the default boot dash, xbmc.cfg contains the path to the default.xbe you want to launch – this is a breadcrumb for myself). Eventually I’ll have to replace the thing with a (quieter, more capable, and less hacked) PC running XBMC on top of a Linux system with a suitable remote, but for standard definition the Xbox is so good I just never feel the need to pay for the replacement parts. Maybe when I’m living somewhere more space constrained I’ll build a proper machine for that and roll my household server in as well.
It’s always sort of incredible to think back to how the Xbox scene was largely the prototype for all subsequent consumer device hacking efforts, and that XBMC is basically the model after which the current generation consoles media and development features were designed. It’s also mind blowing how capable a 733Mhz Coppermine Celeron and a chopped down Geforce3, sharing 64Mb of RAM between them is when running bloat-free dedicated software – designers of the current round of corpulent crap take note.

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Feeling Southern

After consuming a derby pie over course of the past week, I was in the mood for traditional southern food, so I bought parts for southern style kale (which falls way past the “Vegtables cooked in pork count as pork” line) and biscuits. I got around to cooking it for dinner earlier, and it was terribly satisfying in its own salty, strangely textured way. Not a style of food I cook, or even eat often, and, unusually for traditional southern food, not terribly likely to kill you in short order.

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We’re basically restarting the new Bucks for Brains student working with the research group this summer on computing the right way – A fresh Linux install and a copy of K&R. Out with Windows and Matlab, in with real tools. … Continue reading

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Timbuk2 Shotwell

The materials in my beloved (decade old) Clive Front are now so degraded there isn’t much point in sending it away for warranty service over and over – the coatings on the nylon are peeling and the thinner internal material has degraded to the extent that it shreds if you look at it funny. One of the side pouches perforated into the main compartment shortly after the last round of warranty, and I started looking into replacements. There really isn’t an equivalent bag on the market (What happened to lightly padded external pockets?), and I quickly found myself in the land of hipster brands and tacticool bags looking for a suitable replacement. I ended up getting myself a Timbuk2 Shotwell, as it was the bag that came closest to what I wanted. It was also only about $65 with creative shopping, which is enormously cheaper than most of the other contenders. (fair warning: I was lazy and uploaded camera resolution pictures, the linked images are huge)
Outside Front and Back of Timbuk2 Shotwell
I’ve been using it for a couple weeks now, and couldn’t find a much in the way of independent reviews when I ordered, so, some notes, in no particular order:

  • The materials quality is really quite nice. Good, well treated nylon with finer weave lining.
  • The workmanship on the bag is also good – tight seams, most of which are corded (or wrapped?) toward the inside of the bag. For the curious it was apparently manufactured in the Philippines.
  • The fabric this thing is made of is better at attracting cat hair than most of those brushes for getting pet hair off of furniture. Set it down on something that has been furred, and it will be covered for days.
  • The strap design is merely OK – the straps are square and fairly narrowly mounted, which does make it ride close and snug to the body, but isn’t quite as comfortable as yoke-style straps a lot of bags have.
  • The front pockets are kind of vestigial — too small for a CD, too shallow for much of anything. I have some candy and one of those little first aid kit boxes stuffed in them, and it bulges a bit.
  • I’m not impressed with the internally facing organizer. I would really prefer it if the center patch of the bag were a fold-out compartment with the organizer, or there was at least a surround/cover for the internal one. That said, it holds things pretty well (compact camera, post-its, some pens, etc.), and the zippered pouch behind it is easily large enough for the CD case of oft-needed media, and quite inobtrusive. I couldn’t find a picture of it when I ordered mine, so:Internal Organizer on Timbuk2 Shotwell
  • The peculiar bottom pouch is pretty clever. It is separated from the main compartment by a flexible liner, will “grab” a (or at least my) glasses case in the vertical orientation at the tall end, and can easily accommodate a power brick, some cables, and a few odds and ends. It is set up so that it will push out rather than being crushed by the contents of the main compartment. For the students, scientists, and engineering types, this is the only pouch other than the main compartment large enough for a full-sized calculator.
    Lower pouch of Timbuk2 Shotwell
  • The umbrella/water bottle sleeve on the side is the best designed one I’ve encountered. The elastic is loaded enough that it goes flush when empty, and the surface is snag-proof, unlike certain other vendor’s free-hanging mesh monstrosities.
  • The internal laptop sleeve is likewise better thought out than most. Instead of padding the hell out of it, and making a bulky, mildewing mess, it is just a flat piece of nylon and elastic, that pulls the laptop up off the bottom of the bag and against the padding in the back of the bag. It is just barely large enough to accommodate my 15.6″ T510 with a 9-cell battery – the machine can be forced in with a neoprene sleeve on the laptop, but it is a better fit without.
  • This is an interaction quibble, but the 9-cell battery bulge on my T510 tends to catch the back zipper/zipper cover when pulling it out of the sleeve. I’ve also noticed some faint scrapes in the T510’s Thinkpad Finish which appear to be from the top edge of the sleeve.
  • The total capacity is rather low, to maintain the bag’s low profile. There is room for two full one-inch binders (to pick a standard-sized reference) in addition to the laptop, and that is about it. This mostly suits me, since I’m usually just carrying a laptop and a pad holder with some paper, but I can’t stick a bunch of groceries in there like I could with it’s predecessor.
  • The bottle opener on the strap is a stupid gimmick. It sticks up, it clanks, and it isn’t really useful for anything. I wonder if it will void my warranty if I just slice it off…

I’m pretty pleased with it overall.

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OS X Review History

I really enjoyed this article from ars technica going through their past reviews of OS X… right up until the part where the author apparently forgets that most of the criticisms from the previous five pages are at least as valid now as they were when originally made, and declares it a good system after all. It fails to pick at some of my favorites, like the total lack of look-and-feel consistency (Apple ships first-party programs in no less than eight different widget sets – and people look down on the GTK/Qt thing on Linux), but nicely articulates many of the things that are so irritating about Apple’s UI design of late.

I’ll freely admit that the classic Mac OS was a technical disaster (Cooperative multitasking? Really?), but it was a marvel of UI consistency, owing largely to the good HIG Apple put out (and developers actually followed) in that era, and it had personality. I mostly lost interest in new Macs around the time OS X came into being, despite the fleet of Macs I grew up playing with, as it was basically slow, quirky UNIX that ran on expensive hardware, with virtually nothing in common with the Classic OS. I did (and do) still regularly interact with Macs though, and am sort of amazed Apple survived the 10.0-10.1 era when the OS completely unusable, in addition to starting from scratch on native applications. I will also admit things improved – I actually kind of liked the 10.5 boxes I played with, especially since it’s UNIX-like behavior got more standard, it introduced things I’ve come to expect, like only mildly broken virtual desktops (and because Microsoft’s platform at the time was an un-recommendable turd). I set up a 10.6 VM to play with recently and it honestly “feels” worse than 10.5 did – the UI elements are even quirkier, and there is a very uncomfortable “You will do this the apple way or you won’t do it” aura, that kind of reminds me of trying to use iOS devices. It isn’t bad, it just doesn’t do anything that I couldn’t set up more to my liking a Linux box… then again, my tastes in computing devices are demonstrably weired.

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Can someone explain to me the difference between “Chrome web store” and “List of links to (possibly pay-walled) webpages?” Is it just trying to cash in on Apple’s discovery that idiots will impulse buy anything when presented with such a … Continue reading

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More Spiffchorder

While I was on my hardware-fiddling spree, I came across the Spiffchorder project pile tucked into the keyboard drawer of my desk. Last time I played with it I had written off the perfboard assembled one, which had been reworked so many times it looked like a solder ball, and left a working one on a breadboard. This meant it was taking up surface- and breadboard- space, and that would not do. So, I sat down, laid out a less-insane board, and soldered it up in one pass.

The design isn’t well suited to the individual-pad perfboard I had around (lots of n>2 component nodes), so I tried a fabrication strategy I hadn’t used before to help simplify: I almost completely populated the perfboard, ran a piece of tape over the components, flipped it, and soldered, rather than re-adding the components as I went. It actually worked pretty nicely. It is a little bigger than the last layout I used, but this one worked on the first try – or at least the first try where I had a programmed UC plugged in to the socket…

In a related matter, one of the two chips I thought I had burnt with the appropriate firmware doesn’t seem to be working, and because there is a bug with the -g flag in the current version of gcc-avr, I can’t burn another from the boxes I have set up for working with AVRs (the VUSB stack needs the -g flag).

The actual chorder I made still sucks almost to the point of being unusable, largely owing to a mistake on the particular tactile buttons I got when I ordered the parts. Eventually something will have to be done about that, but the chorder is on a header, and the project is now in an electronically working state, not taking up prototyping supplies, and can be shoved in a box when idle.

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