
Social network style summary:
Name: Paul Selegue Eberhart
Geography: Lexington, KY, USA
School: University of Kentucky
Status: ECE Lab Coordinator + PhD Student in Computer Science
Gender: Male
Politics: Mostly Left of Center
Interests: Computers, Electronics, Food, Design, Literature, the sort of DIY practicality everyone seems to have lost, too many other things to list.
Trust of social networking sites’ various sleazy owners to act responsibly with my information: None

Just so there IS a picture of me somewhere on the site, a picture I took of the outfit I wore for my senior composite picture:

Blue print shirt, flame tie, win.

A little more verbosely:

I am Paul Eberhart. I am currently working on a PhD in Computer Scince at the University of Kentucky, after finishing bachelors degrees in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Computer Science from UK in three and a half years, and a MS in Electrical Engineering in …considerably longer.

Other than school (Ha. As though there were time for much of that), my hobby sorts of interest start overlapped with my academic interests, but also extend into Food (I like to cook, and eat), Industrial Design, Literature (both classic and junk), Music (mostly just junk), the kind of practicality that allows one to fix everyday things…and really almost everything. Curiosity is fun.  I tend to juggle a whole haeap of projects to keep myself entertained.
I also (skate) Longboard for fun and exercise.

My weekly repeating schedule is available over on my Schedule Page