Category Archives: DIY

Bus Pirate!

I lost yesterday evening to the happy distraction that usually follows a little red box showing up in the mail – The Bus Pirate and cables I ordered from Sparkfun with my Free Day winnings arrived.
It is a very cool little tool, and the accessories all work nicely – with the slight caveat that the Sparkfun cable is the reverse of the seedlabs/adafruit layout. There is a handy guide, but there are references to the colors in the firmware which don’t match… neither layout has any intrinsic advantage, although I do like that the Sparkfun model has GND on the black conductor. The test hooks I got with it have EXCELLENT grabby little tips, and are small enough to attach to adjacent pins of an SOIC, but do have an occasional problem with the jacket/part you press to extend the tip sliding back too far. That said, they are overall better than the ones on the expensive old logic analyzers on campus, so no complaints.

As for set up, the BusPirate just presents itself as a 115200/8/n/1 USB serial device, with a simple textual interface, so it will work on any machine with a USB port and serial terminal software (I like gtkterm on Linux and PuTTY on Windows). The developers offer regular firmware upgrades, and the SparkFun model ships with woefully out of date firmware and bootloader, to the point that the upgrade process is now mildly nontrivial (follow the instructions carefully). I did end up booting a machine into Windows for the update because the python update script was being problematic, and I wasn’t especially keen on bricking brand new hardware, but I got up to the current v4.3 bootloader and 5.10 firmware without too much fuss.

For a quick test, I grabbed my wiimote nunchuck and connected it up to the BusPirate. Wii accessories just speak slightly-obfuscated I2C among themselves, and there is a handy example for the process of reading one with a bus pirate. That whole process only took maybe half an hour, including plenty of time to explore the bus pirate’s features. The only slight hangup was that the BusPirates’ pullup line needs to be EXTERNALLY connected to a power source, even though the resistors can be software enabled. It would be nice to be able to connect (jumper block style) it to the on-board Vregs without extra loops in the wire harness.


One of the first things I want to do with it is tinker with the PIONIER Button that I have lying around from a conference giveaway a few years ago. The hold-up on that little project was getting access to the 24c64-type EEPROM which (presumably) holds at least the written string it writes, and probably the code it runs. I’m hoping for obvious “string preceded by length in bytes” type encoding. The 24c64 speaks two wire serial (which *usually* means not-quite-compliant I2C) with some external address lines, and the address lines are pre-grounded on the board, so at least reading the thing out shouldn’t be too hard, even if I may have to lift pins to separate it from the uC and enable writes…

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EE281 Car: Mixed Success.

This week we did the lab the parts in my New Teaching Robots post were for, and it was very much a “mixed success” sort of situation. I put a test chassis and circuit together about a week and a half ago, and modified the sample solution from the crappy old cars to work with the new ones, and that was reasonably successful, although it did exhibit a little bit of sluggishness and jitter, which, in retrospect, I should have taken as a warning sign.

Last week we had a build party to put the chassis together, so that interested students in the class, as well as other people interested in robotics, could come play with the parts (and perform the repetitious part of assembling a small fleet of identical machines). That event was quite successful, resulted in a collection of 6 mostly complete chassis, and a lot of enthusiasm. I even had one student build a circuit to ensure that would be reasonable, and that went well.

For the lab, we told students upfront that it was an experimental new lab they were participating in the design of, rather than something routine they were simply expected to perform. This was a good call, as it immensely with investment in the activity, and to reduce frustration when things didn’t work as planned for reasons outside of their control.
There turned out to be three basic problems with my design for the lab:
– In our enthusiasm for the new cars, both the faculty instructor for the course and I forgot that the protoboard power supplies usually used in this lab don’t tolerate the >1.5A spikes from driving substantial inductive loads well. This was a major compounding factor, and the most likely cause for the sluggishness I observed in the test case. This was fixed for the last section (there are nice 4-channel 5A variable output supplies in the lab), which helped alleviate some of the flaky behavior.
– I seriously overestimated the fabrication skills of most of the students. They haven’t developed what I consider “natural” design practices as far as physical layout or EMC, so constructing physically and electronically robust circuits on the small section of breadboard attached to the backs of the chassis was out of reach for many of them. I was very hands on with each group once the problem became clear, and had the latter two sections build some parts of the circuit off-board with suggestions, but it was still an issue.

6+ feet of Cat5 cable (twisted pairs) carrying ~5V signals switching at various speeds in the 0-100kHz range are one hell of an electromagnetic echo chamber, and I didn’t adequately account for that in the design. I’m still not sure how much of the strange behavior this can be blamed for, but there were sufficient effects to require substantially different passive components depending on which end of the cable which section of the circuit was built.

The latter two problems could have been alleviated, and the first one discovered much earlier, if we had stuck with the original plan to have PCBs milled and pre-assembled for all the discrete components, with fixed cables for attaching the FPGA boards the state machines were designed on. Hopefully at some point in the not-too-distant future there will be a chance to get that done for next semester.

Despite the problems, all the students were engaged, and a lot of them stayed and played with their design even after we told them they had done enough to be counted as completing the lab. In terms of educational outcome, we lost the excitement of making something which can move around reliably on its own (except for several groups who set up simple wired feedback from the sensor to the FET while they finished their sate machines…), but in explaining the various ways in which things went wrong, gained brief, simple, practical exposure to concerns in drive systems, emc, fabrication, and at least half a dozen other topics they will be taking courses in over the next two years. Most importantly it exposed students to some of the process of engineering whole systems, which is something one rarely gets until working on one’s own projects. I do wish it had gone as smoothly as the adder lab I replaced with a comparison of different adder designs (in Verilog) last semester, to introduce size/speed performance metrics, procedural test-benches, and the RTL/Tech schematics generated by ISE, while still teaching the basic lesson in binary arithmetic, but things did go surprisingly well for the level of unforeseen technical difficulties.

I feel almost as bad about spewing the above stream of awful loaded-meaning education jargon as the shortcomings of my plan, but there is no language I’m aware of for discussing the education process that hasn’t been co-opted by idiots.

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New Teaching Robots

Some days, I really love my job. That is the mechanical parts for 8 little teaching robot chassis I quickly designed, which will be used for, among other things, a late-in-the-semester EE281 lab where students develop their own line-following state machine and PWM motor control. Nice little Tamiya modular platforms with infrared reflectivity sensors to replace of the horrible, flaky, ten year old toy trucks with de-soldering braid brush sensors that are currently used. I will be recruiting folks (preferably undergrads with an interest in robotics) to assemble sometime next week after the rest of the parts get in.

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Spiffchorder Progress

As I mentioned when the parts arrived, I recently decided I wanted to build myself a Spiffchorder to play with, and, more generally, play with the VUSB Stack, which provides software USB for most AVR microcontrollers, using a few cents worth of extra passive components. This seems to be an excellent generic solution to the “Modern computers don’t have hobby-accessible I/O” problem for most applications. I’ve actually been using a VUSB device for a while since my usbtiny AVR programmer is an ATTiny2313 running VUSB with some additional support chips and code.

When I ordered parts, Newark was out of suitably-packaged ATMega168 chips, and their larger (RAM/ROM), pin-compatible sibling the ATMega328p was so close in cost I would have ordered them anyway. There is a warning(#8) about -p suffix chips (stands for PicoPower, meaning some additional power staving features) and VUSB, but it seems to be a simple problem with naming conventions in the interrupt vectors, and is fixed in recent versions.
I’ve been grabbing an hour here and there to put it together over the last week. So far, I’ve already spent some time on one of my favorite activities…
which produced a nice tight board (The back isn’t quite as neat, and the socket I ended up using suuccckkkks)
which, as far as I’ve discovered, had only one assembly error (the pull-up network on D- was between ground and… ground because I counted wrong), which was easily remedied.
While I was assembling I also put together a half-assed first approximation keyboard to test with
Which will eventually be upgraded… I’m thinking something flexible that can be clipped to the outside of my left pants pocket, or flopped on a flat surface such that the clip maintains the curvature, but I really just want to play with it and see how (un?)comfortable it is to use a chording keyboard. Maybe I’ll get bored and build a key-glove, those always look fun (and useless).

Now for the real problems… even after I fixed the wiring glitch, and touched up the code (minor fixes to make it recognize the 328p and set the fuses correctly), I wasn’t getting anything when plugged into USB. I borrowed a 168 from another project (and transparently swapped in a 328p there) to test the vanilla code, and it resulted in a board that generates a stream of errors like

usb 2-1.1.3: new low speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 15
usb 2-1.1.3: device descriptor read/64, error -32

when plugged into any of my various Linux boxes. I then decided to upgrade the VUSB version (the one the 0.98 release is built against is truly ancient), which only took a few minutes of tampering to set up the usbconfig.h (and Makefile) to work with the Spiffchorder sources and IDs. Unfortunately, this only fixed the 328p problem… it now does exactly the same thing as the vanilla 168 version, and produces a string of USB enumeration errors when plugged in.

My understanding is that -32 errors are usually something to do with devices that aren’t correctly handled by ECHI (USB2) mode controllers, but a device that requires you disable ehci mode on a modern computer is pretty much useless, and it doesn’t appear VUSB should have that limitation. This is my current working tree, it seems to be at least as sound as the distributed version; when I get it working I’ll ping the original author about the update, and replace these if it turns out to be a software problem. I’m going to hook it up to some instrumentation on campus tomorrow to see if I can find the problem, I suspect something screwy with the voltages on the USB Data lines.

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SC’09 Video

I did a taped group-promotion and demonstration of the MOG Maze at Supercomputing last year, but we were never able to actually find the video posted online. I was doing an unrelated identity-management search while working on Ph.D. applications, and … here it is at, with somewhat illogical search terms. Embedded below.

*obligatory listening-to-recording-of-own-voice cringe*

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The best kind of box

is the kind full of TOYS (or, well, toy parts).

This order has some bits and bobs (optoisolators, limit switches, etc.) for the never-ending milling machine project, a couple spiffchorders worth of parts (more on that later), and some spare ATMega328s, because they seem to be a universal solution to “medium” microcontrollers.

This is the first time I’ve made a personal order through Newark, their “We won’t tell you exactly how much this will cost to ship until you’ve agreed to pay” policy is more than a little customer-unfriendly for small orders, and their website is the furthest thing from user friendly… I AM an electrical engineer, and picking what I want there is a challenge. I made a couple mistakes in this order: I grabbed 15.24 mm (as opposed to 7.62 mm) 28pin DIP sockets (just not reading), and apparently not all 12×12mm MCDTS2 switches can accept the caps described as “Switch Cap; For Use With:12×12mm MCDTS2 Series of Multicomp Tactile Switches; ” because the ones I ordered sure as hell don’t have attachment points for the covers like the picture in the datasheet.

Otherwise, very satisfied. Low price, massive selection, and fast ship. I think I’ll add them to the list. For the curious, my parts usually come from DigiKey, Sparkfun, and AllTronics, which are broad, easy, and cheap respectively, although other vendors don’t have the cachet of the little red Sparkfun boxes.

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MPW Environment

I just set up a BasiliskII disc image with System 7.5.3, MPW, and related goodies. It seemed like fun to have a vintage 68k Mac development environment to play in…

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T60p Repair

I opened up my old T60p for some repairs the other night, just posting to share what I did now that I’m reasonably certain it worked. The objective of this project was to do something about the relatively high temperatures and annoying buzzing noise coming from the cooling system. This particular machine is on it’s third cooling assembly (the assembly was replaced twice under warranty), and based on comments on from other owners, thermal issues and rattling fans are endemic to the model, mostly thanks to a few poor design decisions.
The surgery:

  • * Oiled (I used BSB Speed Bearings Lube, which is probably Sililcone oil with some adulterants to make it Shear thinning) the fan assembly, basically following msb0b’s guide. The only major deviation is that instead of cutting the aluminized tape, I just used it as a hinge and folded back the jacket. I also note that there is some foam insulation tape on my heatsink assemby, presumably added in later manufactured asssemblies to help with vibrations.
  • * Bent (compound bend) the heatpipe to lower the GPU section about 2mm, as some of the folks in this thread suggest. Basically, I put some thermal paste on the GPU, and bent and reseated until the contact area was appropriate. I was a little afraid bending the heatpipe would harm it (efficiency wise), or crack it from metal fatigue, but nothing was damaged and the contact is better. This is a logical fix- those thermal pads never provide very good conductivity, particularly where they are reasonably thick.
  • * Replaced the CPU thermal compound and GPU thermal pad with Arctic Silver Ceramique (my favorite for almost all thermal-conductivity needs). I left the thermal pad on the north-bridge intact, as there don’t seem to be any major thermal issues with that component, and the pad over it wasn’t damaged.

Based on some cursory tests, the system is running cooler (Both overall and CPU-GPU delta) than it did even with a new cooling assembly. Idle, I’m seeing 43/41c (5-10 degree reduction), and a half-assed “Stress Test” running SupCom for a few minutes only produced temps in the low 80s, with the GPU about 5deg hotter than the CPU– my recollection is that the GPU tended to be in the high 90s under similar conditions, and the CPU in the mid 80s. The big win is on noise; the irritating rattle is gone, and the fan is at most a tiny bit louder than a new one, based on a procedure I should be able to replicate for free.

The wonderful thing about Thinkpads is that they are designed to be mostly user-serviceable (Lenovo cooperatively provides the service manuals as PDFs online, and even allows FRU orders), and they are very common machines, so there are lots of other people playing with them and sharing their experiences, making things like Linux support and after-market mods particularly well explored and documented. Even with the slight design issue, the T60p was a solid machine for 3.5 years, and I far prefer serviceable and working well to being unserviceable and being “slicker… until it dies”. Speaking of vendors of unserviceable hardware, I’m considering setting it up as a hackintosh (at least on one partition) just for fun when I get some time…

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HPDL Displays

I was fiddling with an old Logical PROMPRO-8 PROM programmer in the lab I teach in while waiting for one of the students to do something which required intervention, and noticed it had some really neat old character displays on it:
They are absolutely fucking captivating looking in person, in that “It isn’t clear what kind of light this is” sort of way, especially with the red filter lifted off so the dies are visible under the lenses. I was interested enough to closely investigate and make the unit go through some of it’s functions just to figure out what the displays are capible of, then asked the great google god to identify the design. I’m reasonably certian they are Hewlett-Packard HPDL HP-2416 displays (or one of their siblings), which are among the earliest single-die segmented LED displays, before the familiar (7- 14- or 16-) block arrangements became standard. Each package has four tiny 17 segment digits under individual epoxy bubble lenses, and an internal ASCII decoder, character generator, and memory, which should make them really fun and easy to interface. It looks like the division of HP that made the parts went to Aglilent when HP dismembered iteslf, and then was spun off as Avago with most of the other semiconductor buisness in 2005, although Litronix may have been making clones/second-source compatible parts in the 1970s as well.
…I sort of want to find some (which would mean NOS or pulls) to build a funky clock or RSS gadget or other useless status display, just to marvel at them. Sadly, it looks like that would be prohibitively expensive, as the later production drop in compatibles are “boring” 5×7 grids with similar capibilities, making originals exotic enough to be on the order of $20 a piece.

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Summer Projects

I haven’t been posting much lately, most of my time has been sucked up by a variety of summer projects, both personal and school related, and most of them haven’t been terribly externally interesting or photogenic.

Several of the projects derive from the research group inheriting a heap of hardware from the departure of the last member of UK’s Cluster Fluid Dynamics group, which we are currently in the process of sorting out. One part of the heap is 30 little Dell SX260s (cute li’l SFF Pentium 4 boxes from 2003 or so), and some associated server and network hardware. I’ve spent a couple afternoons building and configuring a portable (ish) cluster from the pile, and the result is PIK (Pentium/Intel Cluster in Kentucky, following our current naming scheme):
And check out my OCD wiring job:
Unfortunately, six of the small nodes and one of the servers seem to be dead, all apparently due to bad capacitors… which is sadly entirely unsurprising on for hardware from around 2003. There is still a discussion if it would be worthwhile to replace the caps, it is apparently not too difficult on these motherboards.

On another front, I still haven’t managed to get my 500-some photos from Vienna sorted out; I think only a few of those will end up getting posted as they relate to other things — the urge to just shoot with a little digital and a large memory card creates a really unmanageable number of photos.

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