Daily Archives: 2009-09-22

Chicken Paprikash

Another “look what I made” format food post, chicken paprikash made with what was once this recipe, but has habituated and drifted over time. Served over rice ( I’ve never been terribly found of Spätzle, and rice is more my habit than noodles) and sugar snap peas, which make an amazing if slightly improbable combination. Also a glass of Moroccan-esque iced tea: it is brewed at unusually high temperature from gunpowder tea and fresh mint leaves, and it is sweetened beyond all reason, but I feel wrong calling it Moroccan tea because it isn’t pulled and is served cold. I love having time to cook, even when I know it is just a lull in the standard semester storm.

Posted in FoodBlogging, OldBlog | 3 Comments

Khorshteh Mosamma

(This picture is after one reheating. I failed to take a picture right after I made it. The structure of the eggplant and a lot of the color were eaten by a night in the fridge and a trip through the microwave. It’s still delicious.)

I made Khorshteh Mosamma (an Iranian beef and vegetable stew) a few days ago, and it is delicious in that classic rich, slightly spicy middle-eastern way. What was unusual about it is I actually (mostly) followed a recipe, instead of my usual browse similar recipes -> freehand it to what I want technique. The recipe came from the last issue of the Penzeys Spices catalog. The only real decisions I made not specified by the recipe were using a 50:50 mix of sweet and hot curry powders (it just says “curry powder”), and a little bit of scale adjustment.

For the spice-deprived, Penzeys Spices is a chain of very, very good spice stores, and is one of my favorite little specialty shops. A visit there will make you poor, and it’s not because they charge a big premium or only sell in large quantities; it’s just because they have every spice you could imagine, and I’ve never bought something that disappointed (although I still haven’t figured out how to handle a couple things, I’m definitely still figuring out how to work the bottle of ajwain seed I picked up a few visits ago.) While I’m always sad there isn’t a nearby location, it’s probably a good thing… I usually end up dropping at least $50 when I visit one.

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Foodblogging has always straddled the line between awesome and pretentious in my mind, but I’ve been feeling the urge to try of late. I tossed up one meal picture not too long ago, and I’m going to go ahead and add a category for food-related blogging to the primitive little tagging system Flatpress supports. I’m really not sure if it’s going to be an occasional “Look what I did!” picture or something more diverse and/or useful, but I fully intend to do whatever I feel like with it and find out. Food post to follow.

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