Daily Archives: 2009-09-24

Decent Seminars!

UK (and the college of engineering in particular) is surprising me with the quality of seminar speakers this semester, Bruce Schneier last week, and tomorrow David Shippy , chief architect for of IBM’s microprocessor team for games (the people who designed the Broadway, Cell, and Xenon processors inside all three of the major game consoles at the moment), and co-author of The Race for a New Game Machine: Creating the Chips Inside the XBox 360 and the Playstation 3 will be speaking. His hand is on so much of the buzz in the tech news it should be really interesting to hear from him first hand, especially if we get a seminar-appropriate highly technical version. I’ve seen reviews of the book that gripe about lack of technical detail (and writing style); hopefully an in-person presentation to a known technical audience will take care of both problems and get things up to good material + good presentation.

The seminar is at 1:00PM in CRMS (I forget the room number) which brings me to the other thought…
folks need to work on their seminar announcement system. No email (to the seminars list). No updated websites (there is a seminars link on the department website …which is about 6mo out of date), just some posters hanging on the walls around Engineering. There were regular, highly visible announcements for the uninspiring dreck last year, why isn’t there publicity for the good stuff now?

Posted in Announcements, General, OldBlog, School | 1 Comment