Monthly Archives: July 2011

Just read.

I just snapped out of one of those particularly idyllic afternoons, when I finished the remainder of this year’s Jonathan Strahan edited “The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year” after I put it down a couple months ago and forgot about it. This was complimented with kwxx stream bringing me ridiculous but relaxing island pop. I hadn’t spent an afternoon just reading in too long.

I’ve picked up every previous volume of the collection and am going to post up a couple quick notes like I did for previous volumes in the preceding link, to give credit where due and make it so I can find them later.
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Posted in Entertainment, General, Literature, Music | 3 Comments

Why the hell did Google just force me to link my YouTube account to a Google account? Do not want.

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Humble Indie Bundle, Again

The Humble Inidie Bundle folks have a new set available, labelled #3. (I guess the last one was “Humble Frozenbyte Bundle” and thus not numbered). I liked Crayon Physics when it was an experiment on Maemo, and the collection of puzzle platformers that make up most of the balance look worthwhile. Once again, I’m in for $15.
EDIT: My mistake, the Maemo physics game I was thinking of was a contemporary play-alike called Numpty Physics

Posted in Computers, DIY, Entertainment, General, Objects | 1 Comment

Minecraft Survivalism

While looking for something idle to do after I was out of patience for code the other day, I came across the Survivalism mod of Minecraft. Minecraft is a good sandbox, and a fair social activity, but isn’t terribly interesting as a game due to lack of objectives. Survivalism adds requirements for drinking, eating, and rest that make the game considerably more urgent and challenging, and gives the player a limited number of lives which changes the dynamic by keeping games finite. It lends a kind of rogue-like feel, which makes it way more interesting as a game. As we all know, Dying is Fun.

Posted in Computers, DIY, Entertainment | 2 Comments

JSTOR copying

Open-Access Advocate Is Arrested for Huge Download
I’m pretty sure I don’t have a big problem with this kind of radical openness, especially with regard to journal publications… although that was a disgustingly unsubtle technique. I’ve always pictured a distributed project of the “Share your documents (and possibly your subscriptions)” darknet forming style… all the contacts are already in place, since that is how academics have been sharing harder to get publications for as long as those terms have had meaning, we just need a protocol to streamline finding and swapping over the ‘net. There is no excuse for journal access still being so closed and expensive.

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New CentrePointe design includes 30-story bundle of ‘tubes’ Hey! At least this design isn’t a giant phallus.

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Driven off the Road by M.B.A.s (Rana Foroohar for Time) THIS. This this this this this. (Except for the detail where the apple example is mostly wrong)

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While being a guinea pig for a software test, watching several groups try to coordinate for a tutorial via conference call and Skype makes me appreciate just how much better Google’s new hangout feature is — that said, they seem … Continue reading

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Google Plus

I’ve been playing with Google+ for the last couple days, and am finding it pretty interesting. To share some observations that will be tedious to anyone not interested in plus, UI design, and such geekery:
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Posted in Announcements, Computers, Entertainment, General | Leave a comment

Happy 10th BitTorrent

Happy 10th birthday to Bit Torrent.
In 10 years, the technology has come into all kinds of interesting uses, legal and otherwise, eliminated the idea that any central authority can make content unavailable, and given inertia to the social understanding that replication cost for digital media is asymptotically close to zero, despite legal posturing to the contrary.

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