Daily Archives: 2022-07-27

Everyone seems to forget why GNOME and GNOME 3 and Unity happened

Source: Hacker News

Article note: I've never heard the "Threat of Microsoft asserting patents on Windows-Style WIMP desktops" theory for why that generation of UI development went so weird. The fact that Windows 8 went for a bunch of the same bad mobile-like (and OS X/OpenStep like which is frankly a regression from Windows-style in most regards) ideas as the Gnome people got caught up in doesn't seem to lend the idea much credibility.
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Senate passes bipartisan bill to subsidize U.S.-made semiconductor chips

Source: Hacker News

Article note: Woof, that's a lot of money. In abstract, investing in domestic semiconductor manufacturing is a good thing. Unfortunately, I suspect it's mostly going to be looted without much benefit, like when the U.S. tries to invest in telecom. As someone in the HN thread pointed out, the Senate just voted down an $11B school meals program but went for a $50B handout to major companies, and that's distasteful.
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