Monthly Archives: March 2021

Mozilla plans to remove the Compact Density option from Firefox’s Customize menu

Source: Hacker News

Article note: I didn't know the feature existed because it _is_ ridiculously non-discoverable, but having learned about it from this post, I'm enabling because it's a great way to still get the persistent information line without wasting a ton of my precious, precious vertical pixels.
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The Nokia N900: the future that wasn’t

Source: OSNews

Article note: I loved my N810 so much. The form-factor and keyboard. The OS that did what you told it instead of trying to coerce you to do things. Maemo failing was a huge loss. I bought my current phone _just_ before the Fxtec Pro1 was reliably shipping, or I'd have one because it's the closest product in decades.

In what seems like several lifetimes ago, the mobile devices market seemed like it would be wide open. Even as the window for platforms that weren’t Android or iOS was closing rapidly, we were all hoping we wouldn’t end up with another duopoly. While there were several contenders – BlackBerryos 10, Windows Phone, to name a few – quite a few more nerdy mobile device users held out hope that instead of neutered, restrictive, and limited operating systems, we’d end up with a true computer in our pocket.

No other device represented this slice of the market better than the Nokia N900.

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The N900 was the last standard Linux mobile device from Nokia, the last in the line of the N770, N800, and N810 internet communicators. The N900 was the first to include mobile phone functionality, making it the first Linux mobile phone device from Nokia, but not the last – the N950 and N9 would follow, but those were markedly different, more Android and iOS than standard Linux.

The N900 ran Maemo, Nokia’s Linux platform for mobile devices, developed in collaboration with and/or using many popular open source Linux projects, like the Linux kernel (obviously), Debian, Gtk, GNOME, Qt, and more. Maemo’s user interface used the Matchbox window manager, and its application framework was Hildon. Underneath the Gtk+ user interface, Maemo was a remarkably standard Linux distribution, based on Debian, so you had easy access to all the usual Linux and Debian command line tools. It used APT for package management and software installation, BusyBox as the replacement for the GNU Core Utilities, and the X window manager.

Still, despite its heavy focus on open source software, certain parts of the software stack were still closed source, like some code related to power management, as well as certain bits and bobs of the user interface, like a few status applets. This “mostly open source, but with some closed bits and bobs” would be a running theme into the future branches of the platform, like Sailfish and MeeGo.

The hardware of the N900 is a case of throwing everything humanly possible into a single device, but to keep costs down, it mostly consists of cheaper parts. For example, the 800×480 resolution looks crisp on the 3.5″ display, but despite being released almost two years after the iPhone, the touch screen is resistive and requires a stylus. The SoC is a Texas Instruments OMAP3430, with a single core running at 600Mhz, supported by a 430 MHz C64x+ DSP and a PowerVR SGX530 GPU. You’ve got 256MB of RAM, 256MB of NAND flash, and 32GB of eMMC flash.

The star of the show, of course, is the slide-out keyboard. It’s a full QWERTY keyboard that’s reasonably comfortable to type on considering its small size, and anyone who has ever used a Symbian device with a keyboard will feel right at home. It’s got a little kick stand, stereo speakers, and TV-out functionality through a special dongle and cable. Seeing Maemo 5 output to a giant 55″ 4K TV is a special kind of entertaining. Add to this the various standard things like WiFi, Bluetooth, a headphone jack, removable battery, rear and front camera, a dedicated camera button, and probably a few other features I’m forgetting.

The N900 comes packed.

Three spare batteries, the TV cable and dongle, and the original headphones.

Users of the N900 when it was new were a special kind of people. One of them was my brother – he was a die-hard N900 user for many years, so much so he bought a spare N900 in case his main one died. It wasn’t until the N900 really couldn’t keep up with modernity anymore – well past that point, honestly, but let’s not hurt his feelings – that he begrudgingly decided to switch over to an Android phone. He gifted one N900 to me for my collection.

The N900 is a special kind of device that, while a footnote in mobile history, holds a special place in the hearts of a dedicated group of users who nobody is serving any more. These people wanted a proper mini-computer in their pocket, preferably running Linux, and the N900 was the only device that properly fit that niche. Its sort-of successors – the N9 and Jolla Phone, which I both have as well – simply do not fill that niche and do not scratch that itch.

The Jolla Phone, Jolla Tablet (which is very rare – I think mine is one of only a few hundred in existence, maybe even less), the Nokia N9, and the Nokia N900.

Today, most N900 users have probably migrated on to Android (and a few stragglers to Sailfish, I’m guessing), leaving behind the standard, regular Linux installation for the bastardised, weird Linux offshoot from Google. While you can install BusyBox on Android and unlock the bootloader and sort-of create an approximation of a standard Linux computer in your pocket – without the keyboard, without the more standard stacks and toolchains, it’s just not the same.

There is still some hope for fans of the N900 – and other people who want a true Linux computer in their pocket – since there are two companies that sort-of cater to this niche. First, there’s F(x)tec, which probably comes closest with its line of smartphones with a slide-out keyboard. They currently offer a very cool device up for pre-order that’s capable of running Android, Sailfish, Ubuntu Touch, and standard ARM Linux distributions as well. I’ve been trying to get into touch with them for a review unit, but they have not responded (we’re small, after all).

Another option that requires a bit more squinting are some of the very tiny laptops made by GPD – such as the GPD Pocket 2 and similar devices they make. They’re not quite the same as the F(x)tec or N900, but you can get quite close. GPD, too, has not responded to review requests, but again – we’re small, and if you can send stuff to outlets like Linus Tech Tips, OSNews simply isn’t on your radar.

I’m genuinely sad that the N-line was yet another victim of Nokia’s endless mismanagement, since the N900 is simply a unique, one-of-a-kind device in a category virtually nobody even dares tip their toes in. I was never anywhere near the kind of hardcore user my brother was – I only used it as my main device for a few weeks, years ago – but I’ve seen the kind of loyalty it inspired, and that, in turn, was truly inspiring.

Despite its age, the N900’s story isn’t actually over. The community has stepped up and is developing an updated version of Maemo, called Leste. The last release stems from December 2020, and if there’s enough interest, I’ll see if I can get it running for a short review.

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Resistor Storage

As I continue my electronics part organization spree, I was looking for …something… reasonable for through-hole resistor storage. Resistors are a problem because there are a lot of values, once mixed they’re possible-but-irritating to distinguish, and strips of resistors are awkwardly shaped.

There are some special-purpose drawers, most of which aren’t very flexible (configured to hold exactly the E12 series, or with slots too small for the 4″ strips a lot of cheap resistors come in, or…), and many of which are enormous 3D printing projects in their own right that I didn’t feel like dealing with. There are some systems with small or card-catalog style drawers, but I don’t stock large enough quantities of resistors to invest that kind of money/space, and don’t plan to. I also looked at variations on schemes using card holding binder pages, since I really like the cheap SMT binders (link is the ones Adafruit stocks, mine are all the ubiquitous brown ones with gold-debossed Chinese text because I’m cheap), but after I bought a pack of the appropriate business card slot binder sheets I realized I’d underestimated my size requirements.

After quite a lot of looking around and stalling, the only thing that really appealed to me was cloning Zach Poff’s Edge-Labeled Baggie Method, so I did.

I added some E24 values (like 51x and 75x) that I had stocks of from one purchase or another, and a few other odd labels that I happen to have stocks of. The added labels are missing the cute little colored resistor images because I’m not sure how they were generated and it wasn’t urgent enough to spend a ton of time on – I just put the value and the band numbers on those.

I did cheap out on basically every part; I used 2mil 3×4″ baggies instead of the nice 6mil ones, and I used AmazonBasics 1 x 2-5/8 Inch labels that list themselves as compatible with Avery 5160 labels. Both of those may eventually prove to be a mistake, but for now they work and feel fine.

One thing I am looking to improve upon, I currently have them stored in an old Kroger deli meat tub, which is OK but not ideal. I don’t think I can find something that will hold them reliably and still clear the 3″ height of the drawers I’ve been packing a lot of my component assortments into, so I’m probably looking for something that will close, possibly a large-ish 3×5 card organizer.

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Dhcpcd Will Need a New Maintainer

Source: Hacker News

Article note: Oh, that's a bitch. Both in the general "untreatable cancer" sense, and because Roy Marples is one of the shockingly common examples of "there is no functioning system, just a handful of volunteers building the infrastructure we all depend on."
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Journalists Start Demanding Substack Censor Its Writers

Source: Hacker News

Article note: The entrenched commercial journalists are getting faster at attacking the legitimacy of anything that might undermine their increasingly fragile established power.
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An 8-year-old con artist ran a brilliant grift to get out of going to school over Zoom

Source: Boing Boing

Article note: That's clever. The assumption of all these systems is that people _want_ to get in, so they lock out on repeated login failiure, and it gives an attacker information to tell when that happens... so when there is a benefit to locking an account, there really isn't much defense.

This Twitter thread is wild. Read the text below, or, tl;dr for spoilers —

The 8-year-old figured out how to temporarily lock the account by entering enough wrong passwords, and did that every time she got bored in class. It took them 3 weeks to figure it out. — Read the rest

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Faculty still harbor concerns about teaching STEM courses online

Source: Inside Higher Ed (news)

My feed plumbing keeps eating my notes on this one?


  • Cheating? Oh yeah, we're worried because we keep seeing it. I've had several little shits screen-share me for help/to get signed off for something with the Chegg tabs where they copied from visible.
  • Remote labs: I've been involved in a bunch of variations over the last couple semesters. Most successful have been the in-person modded for individual labs (Now that we've done the experiment, we're probably never going back to lab partners because the more/richer labs aren't worth the parasitism) for a logic lab (~Half breadboarding/~Half Verilog on a dev board), and having students buy a dev board then holding online lab times where we can advise, help, and sign off via MS Teams (other tools have not been as successful) for embedded systems. We did lose some hardware practice in the Embedded class that we'll eventually transition back to primarily in-person to regain. I believe a 2nd semester programming and 2nd semester analog circuits lab are both trying our Teams setup this semester because it worked unusually well.
  • "Don't know how to find online resources…" - If you're getting your online learning resources in a package from a publisher, you're ripping your students off. Add more value than being able to rubber-stamp what they taught themselves from internet resources, or also bought the answers to from the internet.
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Hackers access security cameras inside Cloudflare, jails, and hospitals

Source: Ars Technica

Article note: This is what happens when you outsource things to "The Cloud." If your CCTV system is connected to the Internet, it is, by definition, not Closed.
Hackers access security cameras inside Cloudflare, jails, and hospitals

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images)

Hackers say they broke into the network of Silicon Valley startup Verkada and gained access to live video feeds from more than 150,000 surveillance cameras the company manages for Cloudflare, Tesla, and a host of other organizations.

The group published videos and images they said were taken from offices, warehouses, and factories of those companies as well as from jail cells, psychiatric wards, banks, and schools. Bloomberg News, which first reported the breach, said footage viewed by a reporter showed staffers at Florida hospital Halifax Health tackling a man and pinning him to a bed. Another video showed a handcuffed man in a police station in Stoughton, Massachusetts, being questioned by officers.

“I don’t think the claim ‘we hacked the internet’ has ever been as accurate as now,” Tillie Kottmann, a member of a hacker collective calling itself APT 69420 Arson Cats, wrote on Twitter.

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MIPS Technologies joins RISC-V, moves to open-source ISA standard

Source: Hacker News

Article note: Interesting, looks like the core MIPS IP is being folded into the non-profit that handles the core RISC-V IP (...because it's basically worthless at this point) which will at least assure people building legacy MIPS stuff a firmer footing during the (now, at least) managed slide into obsolescence and irrelevance, and clearly indicating a path forward onto RISC-V.
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Fully vaccinated Americans can safely visit unvaccinated family, CDC says

Source: Ars Technica

Article note: Signs of functioning public policy in the U.S.!
Fully vaccinated Americans can safely visit unvaccinated family, CDC says

Enlarge (credit: Getty | UniversalImagesGroup)

People who are fully vaccinated can safely have private visits with unvaccinated people who have a low risk for severe COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced today in highly anticipated guidance for vaccinated people.

In the guidance, the CDC considers people fully vaccinated once they have waited two weeks after their second dose of either the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine or the Moderna vaccine, or two weeks after a single dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Though it may still be possible for fully vaccinated people to contract the pandemic coronavirus, have an asymptomatic or mild infection, and possibly spread the virus, the risk is considered low.

As such, once people are fully vaccinated, they can meet in private indoor settings—such as a home—with other fully vaccinated people without masks and without physical distancing.

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