Daily Archives: 2011-04-19

WordPress Header Glitch

For some reason, the 3.1 to 3.1.1 WordPress update (or something coincident with it) removed the rel=me link back to my Google profile from my headers. Those links are important – they’re how this page is integrated into my online identity via XFN (The “Xhtml Friends Network”), one of the open standards which will obsolete proprietary social networks like the normal standards-driven internet obsoleted AOL, Compuserve, and the other early walled-garden services (oh please oh please oh please oh….). More immediately, they are what lets google know it should pull blog posts into my Buzz feed and such. Fixed now.

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Superauto Espresso

There is a new superauto espresso machine (specifically, a VKI Eccellenza Express) on the second floor of the Marksbury building. Life is suddenly excellent, although my continued health may be in danger.
My only compliant from my first use is that the macchiato button appears to make a latte macchiato (and a starbucks-like sweetened monstrosity of one at that), rather than a real macchiato. The manual doesn’t appear to be online (yet?), but I expect the next several weeks will be punctuated with attempts to coax something resembling a brauner out of it.

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