Monthly Archives: February 2010

Dr. H.J. Siegel Talk

Dr. H.J. Siegel, an old colleague of my advisor and a leading figure in multiprocessing, will be at UK to give a talk next Monday. Abstract:

Title: An Introduction to Research Issues in Heterogeneous Parallel and Distributed Computing

Time: 10AM, Monday, March 1, 2010

Room: 112 RMB


In heterogeneous parallel and distributed computing environments, a suite of different machines is interconnected to provide a variety of computational capabilities. These capabilities are used to execute a collection of tasks with diverse computational requirements. The execution times of a task may vary from one machine to the next, and tasks must share the computing and communication resources of the system. An important research problem for heterogeneous computing is how assign tasks to machines and schedule the order of their execution to maximize some given performance criterion. An overview of a conceptual model of what this involves will be given. An example of resource allocation research will be presented. The example involves an ad hoc grid environment, with energy constrained mobile computing devices that could be used in a disaster management scenario. Open problems in the field of heterogeneous parallel and distributed computing will be discussed.
“Alligators” that make heterogeneous computing challenging will be shown.

To give a little background on Dr. Siegel, tweaked from a discussion with a friend and former group-mate who went to do his PhD under Dr. Siegel:
“There is a threshold, somewhere around tenure in academia, at which you are no longer effectively discouraged from cultivating eccentricities.” This is true for most tenured faculty, but the cowboy + leading figure in multiprocessing combination is a winner among winners.

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Gettin’ my Buildycrunk On

I’m getting my Buildycrunk on, so are all these people. You should be too.
I’ve seen coding, grading, knitting, antenna fabrication, card games, board games, and all kinds of awesomeness.

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Kevin Rudd is an Ignorant Yokel

From a thread at the excellent phdcomics phorum where I frequently lurk and occasionally post, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said something awe-inspiringly ignorant about reproduction and higher ed.
It’s simultaneously comforting and distressing to know that the US isn’t alone in having ignorant yokels running things.

From the article, narrator is female:

At that point one of my friends introduced me, dropping in that I am completing a PhD. At this, [Australian Prime Minister Kevin] Rudd rolled his eyes and in a terse voice lacking any sense of irony remarked that is the “excuse” that “all” young women are using nowadays to avoid starting families.

Why is this an incredibly ignorant thing to say? Let us count the ways…
1. There are well established positive correlations between parent’s education level and almost every indicator of success for children. (and a corresponding inverse correlation between education level an fertility…the “only stupid people are breeding” argument.)
2. I don’t know the numbers from Australia, but in the US 5.587% of the population over 15 has a Master’s degree, and 1.066% has a PhD, around 60% and 40% female respectively. (src, pdf) — “all” the young women? really?
3. There are too damn many of us anyway.
4. What the hell would posses someone to say that? Really? Is it the 1930s?

In a totally unrelated matter, one of the three people sharing the Nobel Prize in Medicine last year was a female Aussie PhD…

This is not to say the US is doing any better on looking bad right now. We have this shit, where a bunch of assholes are trying to pull an Intelligent Design (nomenclature swap to hide the fact they don’t have a leg to stand on) to shove their religious bullshit into the social sciences curriculum.

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Google Buzz

I’ve started using google’s new status message/message into the void, pleading for attention/twitter-like system, Buzz. Between being resigned to the fact that google already knows everything they possibly can about me, and the fact that the system is reasonably open and transparent (unlike, say, facebook), I’ve decided it is sufficiently un-creepy to use.

Stuff posted here will (FINALLY, it took 3 days to index my rel=”me” link) start cross-posting to Buzz. Things posted to buzz won’t show up here, but my buzz feed can be followed by non-google-users at My google profile.

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Beef and Broccoli


This is sort of the simplest expression of halfassed asian food, and it looks reasonably distinguished for how simple and easy it is. One of those things that is nice to make when I’m not feeling any particular inclination toward any variety of food, but need to cook and eat something. This particular batch had a little problem, in that I forgot to add any garlic until it was done. I just fried some garlic in oil (mostly “vegetable” oil (which is mostly soybean), with a little sesame for smokiness) with a dash of shoyu and topped with it to fix, and it turned out edible.

Because it is such a simple, ubiquitous dish, I tend to use it for judging asian restaurants. It is almost as easy to make nasty as it is to make, and shows technique and ingredient quality clearly because of its simplicity.

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Buildycrunken #2

Collexion (check out the bitchin’ new webpage, courtesy of nuex), along with our friends at Third Street Stuff and Coffee, are holding Buildcrunken #2 on the evening of Feb. 19th at Third Street Stuff.

Last time was amazing, and many excellent things were accomplished. Everyone rest up, come up with something to hack on, and show up; a grand time will be had by all.

There will probably be more detailed information online shortly; I am slightly out of the loop because I missed last week’s Collexion Lunch (due to allergies), and this week’s Wednesday Collexion meeting due to to sticking around, keeping the lab open, and helping some of my kids finish up tedium lab week in EE281 (where we make the kids design and build something that takes at least 4 TTL chips, by hand).

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Glazed Salmon

In classier news, snooty food:

I came across some unusually cheap (and mediocre quality) frozen salmon last weekend, and put it to good use making one of my favorite fish dishes. The samlon is coated in a glaze of brown sugar, shoyu, a little lime juice, and some freshly grated ginger (which can be made lazily in a bowl in the microwave) then broiled unitl flaky, re-basting every few minutes. You can do the broiling in a foil-lined tray in a toaster oven, so the burnt sugary mess can be rolled up and thrown out, and is contained in a small area even if some does get loose.
The white long grain rice and steamed sugar snap peas should be self explanatory.

Very easy, and quite tasty.

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We Have the Classiest Grad Students

Man Charged With Attempted Murder In Plot To Kill Witnesses

Yeah, that Polish Mike is the Polish Mike from the ECE department, that I did a Digital Controls project with a couple semesters ago, and who was TAing EE222.

I’m hoping the unnamed passenger in the article wasn’t his girlfriend, who is a recent graduate from our department, bright, and to the best of my knowledge uninvolved in Mike’s shadier behaviors.

Strangely enough, he was a competent engineer and a cool guy — aside from the drug dealing, apparent mob connections, and murdering, obviously. He was always very honest about his various fuckups, and would sometimes warn us that he had a court date coming and might not be back. We’d always just wish him good luck and make sure not to get involved, because, frankly, what else can you do? We were always kind of impressed that he kept coming back, he must have had some damn good legal representation. I suspect this latest incident is going to break the cycle of reappearances for quite some time.

EDIT: Folks in the department have talked to the girlfriend, she wasn’t involved. Also, you can check out Mike’s status on the LFUCG Division of Community Corrections page.

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LLVM Bootstrap

Apparently the Clang frontend has successfully bootstrapped LLVM. Clang has been complete for C for some time, and Objective C (thanks largely to Apple) for almost as long, but since much of LLVM is written in C++, supporting that as well has clearly been an important goal.
Making a complete, functional C++ frontend is one of the ugliest tasks in computing; the C++ spec is a bloody fucking nightmare, which drastically extends C’s already considerable collection of dark corners. The fact that there is now another FOSS implementation, particularly one that is written in a much cleaner way than the one provided by GCC is excellent news for programmers and tool writers alike. Congrats to the Clang devs, and all the upstream LLVM folks involved.

I have been following LLVM development reasonably closely, as my master’s project will hopefully culminate with a functional port of the LLVM backed to LARs, and am continually impressed by how accessible, friendly, and well documented the code base and community are.

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Coffee Paraphernalia

Espresso is unfortunately one of those holy grail hobbies. Once you start making your own, you will forever be trying to make “The Shot;” a perfect, sweet, rich, tiger-striped shot of coffee that manages to be life affirming in only 1.5 ounces. I once managed to get a near-perfect shot out of a former housemate’s comparable setup on a fluke, and it got me hooked. In that interest I just picked up a conical burr grinder, which is the last piece of coffee paraphernalia required for a proper coffee-dork setup. This brings my coffee paraphernalia up to a little over $300, for the following:

Lello Ariete 1375 Espresso Machine – Not a great machine by any stretch of the imagination, but very nice for $200. It has a chromed brass portafilter, mostly metallic construction, a thermoblock heater, and a pump that can (at least in theory) generate 15 bars of pressure. I still can’t get a perfect shot out of it (barely 20 second extractions, and they start to show some bitterness at even that), but it has only had one (easily cleared) failure in 10 months of use, and even my sleep-addled brain can get a shot better than what Starbucks serves out of it every morning. I’m hoping I’ll be able to get longer, more consistent shots by adjusting the grind now that I can get instant feedback on small batches. My only complaints on the machine are related to the steamer wand sometimes being a little slow to pick up (sprays hot water before steaming, but works very well with good technique once it gets going), the system dripping out the portafilter after the machine has been used, and the drip tray corroding easily and/or not catching liquid from internal venting.

* New Addition: Jura Capresso Infinity 560 Conical Burr Grinder – I used to not believe in the “good grinder is as important as a good machine” mantra, but after fiddling with some friend’s grinders in the past, and noticing tangible degradation of shot quality over the course of a pound of ground coffee, I’m now a believer. I’ve only put a couple ounces of coffee through the new grinder, and only at one setting, but it made nice, even, cool grounds, with virtually no flaking. The only things I’m not terribly pleased with are the cleaning procedure between different beans (it retains a lot of grounds inside the workings), and the amount of static it generates in the catch basket. My sentiments seem to be matched in other reviews as well.

* RSVP Terry Tamper – A perfectly usable, well regarded metal tamper, way, way, way better than the horrible scoop-end plastic ones. Mine had some nasty cast lines, which I have ground off the edges of 49mm end with hand files; it still sometimes pushes some grounds over the edge of the basket, but its a lot cheaper than equally regarded alternatives, and I’m sure I’ll eventually get it stoned smooth.

* Bodum Pavina 2oz glasses – These things are way more expensive than necessary, but they are so cool. Double walled, single blown glass, so the contents look like a 3-d parabola floating in space. One of mine has a hairline crack from “rough handling” in the dish rack, but I’ve been continuing to use it anyway, and it doesn’t seem to be spreading.

* Some unremarkable small steel frothing pitcher, and the included measuring scoops, cleaning brushes, etc. from the various components.

The Bodum French Press in the picture belongs to one of the housemates; we also have a drip maker tucked away somewhere, but it didn’t get used enough to justify its counter space with the better options on hand. The sharp eyed caffeine junkie will also spot an ingenuitea in the picture; that corner has become our little altar to caffeination.

All told, my setup costs less than a typical “nice” espresso machine (this is just a hair over minimum cost of entry for real espresso setups, they head off toward infinity at an alarming rate), and, with good technique, is capable of producing drinks at least on par with most of the local coffee houses, so it is a success.

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