Monthly Archives: January 2009


All the big blogs have picked this one up already, but “posting for justice” as they say on “t3h internets”.

In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness is never a given. It must be earned. Our journey has never been one of short-cuts or settling for less. It has not been the path for the faint-hearted – for those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame. Rather, it has been the risk-takers, the doers, the makers of things – some celebrated but more often men and women obscure in their labor, who have carried us up the long, rugged path towards prosperity and freedom.
-Barack Obama, Inaugural Address

On the topic of “Obscure labor”, I plan to put up a post about the potental master’s project I’m embarking on pretty soon here. The topic is sufficently obsucre that it isn’t always easy to relate to other computer engineers, so it may take a while to articulate… and I’m not entirely sure I understand it myself as yet.

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Hacker Space!

I am absolutely FLOORED by the response to the hacker space idea. I’m so used to Lexington (as a community) being apathetic and cultureless that it startles me when people show up excited for things. For a meeting announced on blogs/tweeted/transmitted by word of mouth, with a fairly specific interest group to generate 35-40 enthusiastic people, and interested notes from at least a dozen others is remarkable. It sounds like it’s going to move quickly, there’s a Google group already set up to discuss details, and on the strength (financial commitment) of the freelance programmers/web developers looking to use it as an office during the day alone there may be an actual physical space in the next few days.

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Lexington, KY Hacker Space?

I don’t know (at least I don’t think I know) anyone involved, and Lexington will probably be a hard city to set one up in, but apparently some people are trying to arrange a hacker space in town.
They have an orginizational meeting Thursday at Common Grounds, I think I might go see whats up. Others?

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No Dubya

Before the day is over, Happy Inauguration Day everybody. We’re rid of Dubya permanantly. I’m sure we’ll be finding out about all the horrible things the previous administration did/allowed to happen for years to come, and I’m sure the incoming administration won’t be perfect, but it’s quite an upgrade… Good luck with your new mess, president Obama.

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Pocket Organizer

I recently got tired of the collection of junk I carry* punching holes in my pockets, and set out to improve the situation. It turns out there isn’t a good commercial solution to the problem;
“Normal” pen cases like you can get from leather shops and pen companies are designed for protecting a small number of nice (large) writing instruments.
Pocket protectors are rather specifically designed for breast pockets, which I usually don’t have.
So, I went the DIY route, and built a couple prototype shapes out of paper and tape to see what looked right, and pretty quickly settled on a rough design.
I then built a quick and dirty prototype (below) out of duct tape and paper, which I’ve been subsequently tweaking with use (note the funky seam that separates the flash drive and chap-stick. Added later. With staples.). Eventually, once I get the layout perfected, I think I’d like to build a nice one out of black leather, but we’ll see if that ever happens.
Apparently some other (more famous) people are also, to use their phrase “inordinately proud” of their every day carry organizers. Jake von Slatt has a Purse Organizer (via MAKE) that is built in a similar fashion. I am, however, neither man enough nor inclined to give in and carry a purse (that’s what cargo pants and belt clips are for), despite my un-masculine attraction to bags.

*I ordinarily have the content below attached to me (horribly specific because it has been very consistent for quite some time):
pocketjunkthumb.jpg (linked to larger)

A. Earbuds, currently Sennheiser MX560s (Left cargo pocket)
B. Ancient, indestructable Samsung SPH A660 on STI Mobile (right cargo pocket)
C. Nokia N810 in a PDAir Case (Belt, right front)
D. Wallet, with internal coin pouch (left front pocket)
E. Keys, including mini-tool and light (clipped to right front pocket)
F. Unflavored Chapstick
G. Flash Drive (Currently a well-worn 1GB Sandisk)
H. Black Uniball Vision Elite Extra Fine
I. Blue Uniball Vision Elite Extra Fine
J. Red Uniball Vision Elite Extra Fine (3 colors for a 3 color note taking system)
K. Mechanical Pencil
L. The pen case that prompted this post (right front pocket)
M. Excessive digital+analog watch I’ve been wearing for years.

…and I’ve been considering adding one of the smaller multitools, like a Leatherman Juice S2 to the collection.

Hopefully I’m carrying all this stuff in a way that won’t come back to haunt me like the classic spine problems from carrying a wallet in one’s back pocket thing.

I am apparently not alone devoting so much attention to the junk I carry; there is an entire community devoted to crap people carry with them: enter edcforums (which I have browsed, but haven’t joined. yet.) Then again, “There’s a community on the internet” is in NO WAY an acceptable standard for normalcy or acceptability.

Posted in DIY, General, Objects, OldBlog | 2 Comments

Class Impressions

I always intend to write down my impressions of classes from the first few days, to compare at the end of the semester. It never happens, but I’ll try again in the new medium:

    * Digital Controls (EE572) /Walcott — Its going to be hard. Its going to be a lot of work. Its going to teach me a whole new model for thinking about things, and make me actually learn the signals material I half-learned in Signals and Systems (EE421). Every expectation that it will be a good course.
    * Solid State Electronics (EE661)/Hastings – The graduate version of EE360 “Introduction To Semiconductor Devices”, which I didn’t really feel like I absorbed as well as I should have. I’ve heard good things about the class and good things about Dr. Hastings’ handling, so I have high hopes.
    * Introduction to Cognitive Science (CS585/CGS500) /Goldsmith – – Definitely going to be a fun course. Lectures are going to be scattered, and the material may not be of much utility, but it will definitely be interesting and fun, and shouldn’t be too time consuming. Looking forward to being able to do some non-technical writing again.

Now I just need to finish attaching myself to some manner of research, and the semester will be away.

Posted in Announcements, General, OldBlog, School | 2 Comments

Battlestar Returns

Making up very nearly the last piece of watchable SciFi currently running, (Stargate Atlantis ends in one more episode, Eureka is off indefinately, possibly back in July), Battlestar Galactica is back on. I almost never watch TV on TV, I usually get it later from streaming sites or torrents, but since I was avilable and some of the other people in the house were watching, I figured I’d do the live TV thing. Turns out it isn’t actually any more exciting than watching it later from the internet. That said, the show is still dark and novel, and probably the best thing on.

(Next weird FlatPress behavior note “Save&Continue posts, rather than saving as a draft…)

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I’ve been considering getting myself some hosting for a variety fo projects for a while. One of the ideas I had percolating was setting up a blog sort of thing, particularly given the “connectedness” of most of my friends and acquantences, and the fact that I find the popular social networking services’ policies totally unpalateable.

Since getting a domain and acceptable cheap hosting would be about $5/mo, prepaid two years in advance, it seems prudent to try it out on a free bit of webspace available to me. Once I have things set up I might even let people know this is here.

I set this up with the FlatPress, since this server has a nice recent PHP version, but the SQL server is either disabled or I don’t have permissions to use it. FlatPress was charmingly easy to set up, so much so that I’m a bit concerned I may have opened up to pwnage by accident, I’ll have to poke at it a bit more to make sure I haven’t’ done anything obviously dumb.

On that note, if anyone from UK ECS notices this, am I allowed to be using this space this way? I’m sure it can be construed as somehow significant to my education if it needs to be, and it should be a rather low intensity use.

(also, I managed to lose the first version of this post by hiting another tab in the entry tool and navigating away from the handy little embedded editor without explicitly saving. This is not a feature, but perhaps the “Save&Continue button down there is for that…)

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