Daily Archives: 2009-01-18

Class Impressions

I always intend to write down my impressions of classes from the first few days, to compare at the end of the semester. It never happens, but I’ll try again in the new medium:

    * Digital Controls (EE572) /Walcott — Its going to be hard. Its going to be a lot of work. Its going to teach me a whole new model for thinking about things, and make me actually learn the signals material I half-learned in Signals and Systems (EE421). Every expectation that it will be a good course.
    * Solid State Electronics (EE661)/Hastings – The graduate version of EE360 “Introduction To Semiconductor Devices”, which I didn’t really feel like I absorbed as well as I should have. I’ve heard good things about the class and good things about Dr. Hastings’ handling, so I have high hopes.
    * Introduction to Cognitive Science (CS585/CGS500) /Goldsmith – – Definitely going to be a fun course. Lectures are going to be scattered, and the material may not be of much utility, but it will definitely be interesting and fun, and shouldn’t be too time consuming. Looking forward to being able to do some non-technical writing again.

Now I just need to finish attaching myself to some manner of research, and the semester will be away.

Posted in Announcements, General, OldBlog, School | 2 Comments