Cheap Lock Box is Cheap

I regularly have this problem where I have hobbies for which the equipment should be locked up when unattended, and I pick locks as a hobby and work as a computer engineer, so I know how bogus most of the options for locking stuff up are.

I bought one of those little portable lockboxes (Specifically a “Amazon Basics Portable Security Case Lock Box Safe, Combination Lock, Large, Black” ASIN B077K3FJHC), 50% to have a more responsible storage option for some small items, and 50% to see how crap it is.

I knew what I was buying for $18, and it’s still a hilarious piece of junk, because the gates are visible from the top so you can decode it by sight:

Combination is set to “0,1,2” and the dials are turned to “0,9,2.” Note that you can see a slot next to the wheel on 0 and 2 and not on 9? That’s because you can always see the gate when the correct number is dialed, so it’s trivial to decode.

A few points because it can’t be trivially re-set from the outside, you can’t pop the latch with a wire, the hinge pin won’t come out in the closed position without extensive violence, and there isn’t a tubular override key that can be trivially impressioned (common problems with similar products), but that lock is pathetic.
Amazon actually posted my review to the effect, so… I guess also points for honesty?

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