Rocky Linux backer CIQ rejects lawsuit’s claims it was founded on stolen IP

Source: The Register

Article note: It sure looks like a situation where Greg (&co.) were doing open-source work to benefit the community and making "enough" off of support and contract dev and such, some folks at Sylabs got greedy, and everyone who was there to do engineering not rentseeking mosied on out. It seems to happen pretty regularly with open source stuff used by enterprise customers, and it's not even the first time it's happened to him.

Brands allegations as 'meritless' after being sued by HPC software provider Sylabs

A recently unsealed lawsuit filed in the US by HPC software provider Sylabs accuses rival outfit Ctrl IQ (CIQ) and its founder Greg Kurtzer of violating Sylab's trade secrets in order to start its business, and of filing its own patents based on that technology.…

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