Daily Archives: 2011-09-17

Principles of Programming Languages

I referred to Bruce J. MacLennan’s Principles of Programming Languages in my previous post, then discovered I can’t find the list anywhere on the ‘net, at least not as I was taught them. They are (AFIK) derived from his book, also named Principles of Programming Languages, so it may not be precisely kosher to put them online, but I’m going to post a copy anyway, because they are terribly useful to refer to.

  1. Abstraction: Avoid requiring something to be stated more than once; factor out the recurring pattern.
  2. Automation: Automate mechanical, tedious, or error-prone activities.
  3. Defense in Depth: Have a series of defenses so that if an error is not caught by one, it will probably be caught by another.
  4. Elegance: Confine your attention ot designs that look good because they are good.
  5. Impossible Error: Making errors impossible to commit is preferable to detecting them after their commission.
  6. Information Hiding: The languages should permit modules designed so that (1) the user has all of the information needed ot use the module correctly, and nothing more, and (2) the implementer has all the information needed to implement the module correctly, and nothing more.
  7. Labeling: Avoid arbitrary sequences more than a few items long. Do not require the user to know the absolute position of an item in a list. Instead, associate a meaningful label with each item and allow the items to occur in any order.
  8. Localized Cost: users should pay only for what they use; avoid distributed costs.
  9. Manifest Interface: All interfaces should be apparent (manifest) in the syntax.
  10. Orthogonality: independent functions should be controlled by independent mechanisms.
  11. Portability: Avoid features or facilities that are dependent on a particular computer or a small class of computers.
  12. Preservation of Information: The languages should allow the representation of information that the user might know and that the compiler might need.
  13. Regularity: Regular rules, without exceptions, are easier to learn, use, describe, and implement.
  14. Responsible Design: Do not ask users what they want, find out what they need.
  15. Security: No program that violates the definition of the language, or its own intended structure, should escape detection.
  16. Simplicity: A language should be as simple as possible. There should be a minimum number of concepts, with simple rules for their combination.
  17. Structure: the static structure of the program should correspond in a simple way to the dynamic structure of the corresponding computations.
  18. Syntactic Consistency: Similar things should look similar, different things different.
  19. Zero-One-Infinity: The only reasonable numbers are zero, one, and infinity.
  20. Avoid Creeping Featurism: Do not add features which are expensive to implement and rarely used. [I think Rafi added this one himself, but I learned them from him, so here it stays. Also, I feel like there was a more elegant phrasing presented at some point.]

I’m not entirely fond of all the rules, particularly 6 and 7, which encourage trusting other people’s code and space inefficiency respectively, but it is generally a wonderful compact way of evaluating languages, that should resonate with anyone who programs.

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Yesterday I decided to indulge my language fiddling impulse and spent some time reading about Vala and writing some simple programs in it. As far as I can tell, it is the answer to the running “My ideal language…” conversation my lab mate and I have, with only a few tiny exceptions. Even from a more formal view, evaluating based on Bruce MacLennan’s Principles of Programming Languages (not the book, just the list of aphorisms) Vala does INCREDIBLY well.

The syntax and feature set is based on C#, but instead of compiling to another unwanted virtual machine (Microsoft’s CLR or its second class citizen implementation, Mono), it compiles to (human readable) C, then native code, so it can piggyback on the platform CC. Most of the fancy language features are actually implemented with glib and GObject, so if you are running anything GTK based all the bits and pieces will be in memory anyway.

Rather than repeating the entire tutorial, the things I find exciting are: Array slicing. Proper Strings. Regular expressions. An optional garbage collector. A reasonable object system with limited inheritance and overloading. Coroutines(-ish) and iterators. Pointers of both the object-respecting and real varieties. Closures. Assertions/contract features. It also has incredibly clean interfaces for writing GUIs (in GTK) and network code, which are definitely weak points for most languages low-level enough for my tastes.

It does have a few interesting quirks (get and set methods allow you to override assignment, string concatenation is “+”, etc.), some dumb inherited things (were long and short ever a good idea?), and a handful of missing features (nothing has powerloops), but those are all minor quibbles.

The only real issues I have with Vala are that it isn’t terribly widely adopted, and that it is maintained by the GNOME foundation (which has a proud history of doing horrible things on a whim), but I think I’ll try writing all my random little bits of code in it for a while, because it is fun in a way I rarely find pure software.

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