Daily Archives: 2011-08-28

HTC Doubleshot/MyTouch 4G

As noted in previous posts, the mobile market “stabilized” recently, in that every other suitable product has been discontinued, and I decided to get an Android device. To that end, as of a week ago I am the proud(?) owner of a HTC Doubleshot, marketed as the MyTouch 4G Slide in the US.
I’m generally pretty pleased with it — my Google appendage is back! My decent media player is back! All else is minor. — but there are some noteworthy things about the device itself, and a week’s worth of posts about things that are very wrong (and a few things that are right) with Android. I’m reserving judgement on T-Mobile for a little longer than the rest of the device for fear of Telco lies, but between how much better their plans were than what Sprint/AT&T/Verizon (in order of increasingly crappy offerings) were offering, and my low expectations for telecom companies, they’ll have to fuck up pretty thoroughly to disappoint. I’ll be following that format; the rest of this post is about the device itself, several following posts will be about Android in short bile-filled spurts, not because I hate it, but because it is the most promising surviving platform and I want it to improve.
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