Monthly Archives: September 2010

Zero History

(This should be spoiler free)
I just finished reading Zero History, slowly, both because I don’t have much time to do so, and because I was savoring it. That kind of writing is the closest thing to a religious experence those of us who don’t do faith get to have. Note that when I say “slowly” I mean “over the course of 2 weeks, since my copy arrived;” had I not been drawing it out it would have been more like two sittings.

Firstly,do NOT read it without first reading Pattern Recognition and Spook Country. A majority of the characters are common, and are thus introduced without preamble. There are also enritching references to the earlier novels throughout, including several major plot elements which are best left as surprises. On the topic of surprises, I hit an “Oh. Oh holy shit” 335 pages (of 404) in. The first time a book has surprised me in AGES, and it is a wonderful surprise that ties the Bigend trilogy together… and then, in standard Gibson style, entirely loses relevence to the narrative. The revelation is neatly enough laid that one could have figured it out prematurely, but is elegantly enough veiled to discourage such things. Imagine reading Dan Brown and NOT knowing the answer in the first few pages.

Gibson’s writing constantly pushes my vocabulary (which, as one might expect based on how much crap I get for my ordinary diction, is a very unusual thing), and my cultural knowledge (which, again, is unusual; I compulsively consume two news magizines and an unholy lot of Internet every week). I far prefer reading his more recent work with google in reach to fill in the gaps in both, something he has suggested is intentional, or at least approved of.

Looking at the whole trilogy, Pattern Recognition is still perhaps my favorite single novel, and I was disappointed when Spook Country came out, although that may be residual effects from my first attmept to read it in a codeine-induced haze; I literally got the book on the way back from having my wisdom teeth out. There is no disappointment with Zero History – it has all the marvelous locution, and fabulous collection of ethereally related plots that I read Gibson for. In fact, it makes Spook Country better, by tying all it’s plots into a greater system, making them more interesting than they were on their own, like the disinteresting constituent bits of a fascinating mechanical device. I don’t think Zero History stands on it’s own nearly as well as Pattern Recognition, but, particularly as the improved sucessor to Spook Country, it is an excellent novel.

The one nagging concern I have when I think about the Bigend trilogy is about it’s longevity: they are heavily, heavily steeped in ephemera of the moment, to the point that it is partly their topic, and it is unclear to me how well that will age. Pattern Recognition is my favorite largely out of fondness and nostalgia for the ‘now’ it was written in, although also out of a taste for it’s overt topic. It least suffers the problem simply because it predates much of the internet’s collective consciousness, despite having said consciousness as one of its chief concerns. In contrast, Zero History is made up of ecclectic references to Festo’s more eccentric products, iPhones, quadrotor drones, and ekranoplan; things renderd exciting through the fickle fascinations of the interent. Hopefully, like the Curtas and origional toilet seat iBook that filled such roles in Pattern Recogniton they will continue to stand on their own interest.

In short: Go read it, and it’s prequels if you haven’t. It is by far the best novel I’ve read (for the first time) in years, and retains all the enjoyable trappings of popular fiction, despite its literate complication.

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MPW Environment

I just set up a BasiliskII disc image with System 7.5.3, MPW, and related goodies. It seemed like fun to have a vintage 68k Mac development environment to play in…

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Baked Butternut Squash

I discovered the recipe for the squash a couple years ago, and it is amazing. The entire procedure is: cut butternut squash in half, remove seeds, rub flesh with salt, sugar, pepper, and dried ginger, all to taste. Place in baking dish with 1” of water. Bake at 350F for about an hour. It is excellent. The chicken is more of the same, just rubbed with rosemary, pepper, oregano, garlic powder, olive oil… and some other things that were on hand, then tossed in the oven in another pan with the squash. Good seasonal food.

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T60p Repair

I opened up my old T60p for some repairs the other night, just posting to share what I did now that I’m reasonably certain it worked. The objective of this project was to do something about the relatively high temperatures and annoying buzzing noise coming from the cooling system. This particular machine is on it’s third cooling assembly (the assembly was replaced twice under warranty), and based on comments on from other owners, thermal issues and rattling fans are endemic to the model, mostly thanks to a few poor design decisions.
The surgery:

  • * Oiled (I used BSB Speed Bearings Lube, which is probably Sililcone oil with some adulterants to make it Shear thinning) the fan assembly, basically following msb0b’s guide. The only major deviation is that instead of cutting the aluminized tape, I just used it as a hinge and folded back the jacket. I also note that there is some foam insulation tape on my heatsink assemby, presumably added in later manufactured asssemblies to help with vibrations.
  • * Bent (compound bend) the heatpipe to lower the GPU section about 2mm, as some of the folks in this thread suggest. Basically, I put some thermal paste on the GPU, and bent and reseated until the contact area was appropriate. I was a little afraid bending the heatpipe would harm it (efficiency wise), or crack it from metal fatigue, but nothing was damaged and the contact is better. This is a logical fix- those thermal pads never provide very good conductivity, particularly where they are reasonably thick.
  • * Replaced the CPU thermal compound and GPU thermal pad with Arctic Silver Ceramique (my favorite for almost all thermal-conductivity needs). I left the thermal pad on the north-bridge intact, as there don’t seem to be any major thermal issues with that component, and the pad over it wasn’t damaged.

Based on some cursory tests, the system is running cooler (Both overall and CPU-GPU delta) than it did even with a new cooling assembly. Idle, I’m seeing 43/41c (5-10 degree reduction), and a half-assed “Stress Test” running SupCom for a few minutes only produced temps in the low 80s, with the GPU about 5deg hotter than the CPU– my recollection is that the GPU tended to be in the high 90s under similar conditions, and the CPU in the mid 80s. The big win is on noise; the irritating rattle is gone, and the fan is at most a tiny bit louder than a new one, based on a procedure I should be able to replicate for free.

The wonderful thing about Thinkpads is that they are designed to be mostly user-serviceable (Lenovo cooperatively provides the service manuals as PDFs online, and even allows FRU orders), and they are very common machines, so there are lots of other people playing with them and sharing their experiences, making things like Linux support and after-market mods particularly well explored and documented. Even with the slight design issue, the T60p was a solid machine for 3.5 years, and I far prefer serviceable and working well to being unserviceable and being “slicker… until it dies”. Speaking of vendors of unserviceable hardware, I’m considering setting it up as a hackintosh (at least on one partition) just for fun when I get some time…

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Kim Stanley Robinson on …Reality

This Polygraph interview with Kim Stanley Robinson is pretty fucking amazing. It provides a clear, well educated, intensely lucid world-view, and a solid conception of where we should be going as a society… which I happen to mostly agree with. I’m especially into his thoughts about the scientific community and the political process (not quite as glib as “reality has a well-known liberal bias.” but the idea is the same); I find the amount of high profile anti-intellectualism lately really terrifying (We had a vice president seriously running on the “Those experts don’t know what they’re talking about, look at my folksy wisdom” platform. Come on.) so a clear conception of how the scientific community should handle the situation is an intensely valuable thing. The text of the interview unfortunately also demonstrates the problem with the interface between the scientific community and society at large; it is rather challenging to read

I’m very found of KSR; I’ve read his magnum opus, The Mars trilogy about three times now, and it has seriously shaped the way I think about the world. I think the first time through was when I was about 9, but the repeats were much more recently, after I realized just how much the first reading had colored my own world-view. They aren’t so much about the future as they are about society and the environment, and where it is about the future it is all amazingly plausible, to the point that many of the near-future predictions have actually come to pass. There is a wonderful sort of grim optimism to the whole thing; running on the view that the world is not inherently a nice place, but we can collectively choose to make it so (or not). It isn’t a quick read; the story spans about 2 centuries, 20 some major characters, and 1700 pages, but it is (I really hate this phrase) a life changing read.

We need more KSRs and fewer Sara Palins. Can we elect this man to a position of power instead of the current selection? I’d vote for him.

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HPDL Displays

I was fiddling with an old Logical PROMPRO-8 PROM programmer in the lab I teach in while waiting for one of the students to do something which required intervention, and noticed it had some really neat old character displays on it:
They are absolutely fucking captivating looking in person, in that “It isn’t clear what kind of light this is” sort of way, especially with the red filter lifted off so the dies are visible under the lenses. I was interested enough to closely investigate and make the unit go through some of it’s functions just to figure out what the displays are capible of, then asked the great google god to identify the design. I’m reasonably certian they are Hewlett-Packard HPDL HP-2416 displays (or one of their siblings), which are among the earliest single-die segmented LED displays, before the familiar (7- 14- or 16-) block arrangements became standard. Each package has four tiny 17 segment digits under individual epoxy bubble lenses, and an internal ASCII decoder, character generator, and memory, which should make them really fun and easy to interface. It looks like the division of HP that made the parts went to Aglilent when HP dismembered iteslf, and then was spun off as Avago with most of the other semiconductor buisness in 2005, although Litronix may have been making clones/second-source compatible parts in the 1970s as well.
…I sort of want to find some (which would mean NOS or pulls) to build a funky clock or RSS gadget or other useless status display, just to marvel at them. Sadly, it looks like that would be prohibitively expensive, as the later production drop in compatibles are “boring” 5×7 grids with similar capibilities, making originals exotic enough to be on the order of $20 a piece.

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Buzz Widget Breakage

My blog sidebar buzz widget seems to have died at the beginning of the month, and stays dead even if regenerated (some problem with the API?). It is all server-side magic, borrowed from, so it isn’t easily fixable, even if I wanted to deal with javascript. You can follow my buzz postings from my google profile at, I’m just going to theme swap back to the one that didn’t support the buzz widget, and put that URL in the link menu.

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Myrias Research Corporation

The current incarnation of my unhealthy love of computer history is a mild fascination with Myrias Research Corporation (1984-1990), precipitated by seeing some of their marketing materials (now misplaced) in my advisor’s collection of old computing ephemera after finding a reference to some of their programming tools in my research.

Myrias was, roughly, a spinoff from the University of Alberta in the early 80s, right in middle of the golden age of supercomputers*, who made moderately interesting M68k-based parallel supercomputers. What I find really interesting is their focus on programming models and tools (You know, parallel programming tools, like that thing I’m working on for my masters’ thesis…), which they built in a neat POSIX-ish (POSIXy?) environment. Also catching my interst, like many of the supercomputing vendors at the time, they had bitchin’ industrial design (Go look at Tamiko Theil’s CM-1 design for Thinking Machines for the canonical example), using chassis that appear to be enormous granite-colored corian blocks with a 45deg clip on one corner. Their major lasting impact was in their parallelizing compiler technology, of which pieces apparently still persist in several modern commercial compilers. Their software designs also seem to persist beyond their code base, in that my original interest came from noticing some striking conceptual similarities between LLVM, which I am currently working with, and the G ISA virtual machine and tools from Myrias 20some years ago.

To collect them for my reference, and for others engaged in similar clicktrances, the online resources I am aware of are:
This flickr photoset of some marketing materials from one of the original team members.
This everything2 article by the same individual.
A number of scholarly publications 1, 2, 3, 4, which are extremely informative , but not visually interesting. There are also a number of boring application (”$Pet_app on the SPS-2”) papers to be found.
I’ve also come across some, mostly passing, mentions in the computer press from the late 80s, mostly via paywalled newspaper aggregatiors.

If anyone knows where I could find pictures and/or marketing materials, particularly chassis photos of an SPS-1 and/or SPS-2, that would be amazing.

* “The golden age of supercomputing” is one of those rough consensus terms, I take it to mean from the 1960s, when technology first got small and fast enough to make serious machines, until about 1994, when less radical designs based on commodity PC hardware caught up to and mostly destroyed the market for novel machines. Of course, no one I know was involved in precipitating this transition.

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