Daily Archives: 2009-05-17

Dollhouse Renewed

Holy crap, FOX renewed Dollhouse for a second season. The best part is it looks like the renewal is based on “ancillary factors” (DVD sales, Streaming, DVR), which implies at least one major media company may be coming to understand that the video entertainment market is shifting away from broadcast TV and feature films. In related news, Sony’s CEO demonstrated a surprising grasp of new-media realties. These two little newslets are definitely the exception of late; after the disingenuous comments from Sony Pictures Entertainment CEO Michael Lynton that were doing the rounds on the interwebs earlier this week, and all the gloomy news about print media, I was feeling like all the old media dinosaurs (the established forces in the major content industries disrupted by the advent of the Internet; print media, music, and video) were actively working to commit suicide instead of trying to adapt. At least there are a few little signs that powerful people in the media industry are looking to find a way forward that doesn’t involve sticking their heads in the sand and trying to litigate the Internet cat back into its bag.

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DorkbotLex #3

I made it to the third Dorkbot event in Lexington yesterday, and it was again a great show. This time there were four excellent presentations of the kind of artistically tenological projects dorkbot is meant to showcase. The first presentation was Clint Davis, showing a spatially aware music controller, built from an arduino, some infrared range finders, and Pure Data. The second presentation was of a solder-free LED hula-hoop by Lauren Sherrow (pictured above). There was then a showing of Aaron Miller’s Day of Defeat-based machinima piece I, Bots, about variously self-aware bots on a DoD public server. Finally, Jordan Munson showed off his work on a new generation of electronic music interfaces, including an OpenSoundControl controller on an iPod touch, and using a wiimote as a gestural interface. At the end there was a lot of discussion about organizing social/cultural events for geeks and hackers, I wish more of the Collexion folks had been there to participate.
The better of the pictures I took are up in a flickr set.

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