Monthly Archives: April 2009

Culture Experiment

Last night I had the sudden realization that I had NO IDEA what the US Top 40 chart looked like, so I went and found a listing. Turns out I only recognized 5 tracks out of the 40. I then proceeded to ask around; of the 6 quick responses I got, individuals recognized an average of 4.5 tracks, with a spread from 0 to 11. Either I know very cultured people, or the Internet really is making radio irrelevant. Or some partial mixture thereof. I’d be curious how other people do.
The second part of the experiment was trying to listen through the whole list. It really is godawful, I ended up stopping over half the tracks before they finished because I just couldn’t stand it, and I only made it to about #30 before I gave up. Perhaps my generation is becoming old. Damn kids, get off my lawn?

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Civil Disobedience Kickball

Some guys in Lexington arranged for a Kickball game in the centerpointe unsightly hole earlier today. This is a very cool idea for voicing public displeasure at the empty hole in our downtown, and there was a pretty good turnout.
The organizers however made one fatal mistake; they announced the event on facebook. All the cool kids may be on facebook, but you know who else is on facebook? — the cops. They were waiting for the event to start. I walked up about 5 minutes late just as the participants were being kicked off the field; thankfully the cops were reasonably cool about the whole thing and just told everyone to leave.

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Facebook TOS Revision Ploy

I find facebook really, really creepy, and refuse to open an account, despite a fair amount of prompting from friends. The idea of sharing information with peers like that is great. That is what blogs, email, IM, message boards, coffee houses and bars (all places where you mostly control your information. Except for the last one anyway.)are for. The idea of sharing information with Facebook, Inc. and their “trusted third parties” is not so great.
Their latest ploy to look open and concerned for the rights of their users is genuinely spectacular; I didn’t manage to figure out how it was going to work until I read around and saw it explained. This consumerist article is a pretty good overview. The current of posturing started over some unsolicited revisions to the TOS that were so objectionable that the normally uninterested complained. They quickly reverted the changes lest the “cool people” leave, and they end up like friendster. They then claimed they would “Open up the process” and produced a new draft terms of service (and a useless, totally nonbinding “Statement of Principles“). The draft TOS is actually, on a cursitory reading, substantally less objectionable than the old one, and they even made some cosmetic changes based on user input. However, there are two little problems.
1. The new “easy to read” terms don’t appear to be written in a legally rigorous way. If challanged, it should be easy to find/make loopholes for whatever happens.
and, far more interesting,
2. For the vote to count they are requiring 30% of users active in the last month to vote, and the estimates floating around the ‘net last night were more like 10%. The theory is that the whole arrangement is a ploy to be able to say “See? No one cares.” and go on with business as usual. This is actually a rather clever tactic if indeed that is the objective.
Accusations of not adequately publicizing the vote in order to make their point have already begun. It should be fun to watch, indignant hipsters vs. corporate entity desperately trying to look cool is usually a good show.

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Surprisingly Unregulated Substances

When going to order some Yerba Matè (the roasted stuff, I don’t like the green flavor) to mix up the tea-like beverage habit, I was reminded by the skeezy online botanical store that many surprising things are not regulated substances in the United States. I was subsequently compelled to order some goodies for after the semester is over. For those who don’t know me well, please note that I’m not in the habit of taking massive quantities of mind altering chemicals on a regular basis; I only go out in that sense maybe three times a semester, and am fairly disapproving of the pharmacological stuff, used therapeutically or otherwise. Also note that I’m not a believer in “It comes from nature, it must be safe/healthy(er),” the stuff discussed below is as well understood as anything to do with brain chemistry, and should be taken seriously. I tend to be pretty careful about my drug intake. Unless I’m drunk and someone cute hands things to me. The last line alone has made me stop arguing with “Boys are dumb” assertions. We are. We know it.

Because stuffing funny chemicals in one’s body is an interesting enterprise, and certainly one best shared with friends, the stuff I have on the way is(in order from tame to “I really shouldn’t do this”):

Yerba Matè (Ilex paraguayensis): A South American shrub who’s leaves can be infused much like a green tea (hot, but not boiling water). Very tasty stuff, earthy, smoky, chocolaty sort of flavor, and a nice deep orange color when brewed. It contains lots of delicious xanthines, including caffeine and a couple of its stimulant pals. It is often said to be a more desirable stimulant than coffee, inducing just as much energy but without the jitter, supposedly because of the wider, more evenly distributed variety of stimulants. I get it at coffee houses sometimes; it is a pleasant, energizing drink, and I have experienced its purported concentration improving effects. (erowid information)

Kava (Piper methysticum): A pepper plant native to several western pacific islands (Hawaii, Vantu, Fiji, etc.), Kava refers to both the plant and a cold infusion made from its root. The infusion is supposed to have effects sort of like alcohol, but more clearheaded. The agent for these effects are kavalactones, a class of psychoactive chemicals which affect a variety of neurotransmitters, providing anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing), anesthetic, and mildly sedative effects. Some kavalactones also supposedly act as a noradrenaline but not serotonin reuptake inhibitor, which is likely to enhance focus and clarity. All told, it sounds like excellent fun. I first heard about Kava as KavaJava, a mixture of kava infusion and coffee, which is mentioned frequently in the latter part of Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars Trilogy, one of my perennial favorites. The combination is supposed to clip off the mild sedative effects of the Kava with caffeine, and leave only the (socially desirable) anxiolytic effects… which sounds like the perfect social beverage for me. (erowid information)

Salvia Divinorum – I’ve never tried hallucinogens (excepting one incident with a massive dose of food dyes to which I am allergic, but that wasn’t intentional or reproducible…), and this stuff seems like the perfect place to start. Salvia leaves can be smoked (at relativity high temperatures) for a short (~10 minutes) powerful effect, or chewed for a milder prolonged(~hour) effect. The short effective life is what makes it far more appealing to me than most hallucinogenic agents. The effects are said to often include uncontrollable laughter, and sometimes include vivid memories, visions, sensations of movement or becoming objects, and other surreal experiences. Neurochemically, it is a κ-opioid receptor agonist. Other κ-opioid receptor agonists have been studied medicinally as potential treatments for pain and mood disorders, but salvinorin A (the primary active chemical in Salvia Divinorum) has much more pronounced hallucinogenic effects than it’s peers, which is why it is of interest recreationally instead of therapeutically. This is interestingly NOT the same pathway by which “classical” (mescaline, LSD)hallucinogens function. The stuff I purchased is specifically a 10x standardized extractive (the leaves have had a known quantity of salvinorin A introduced, which is far more than occurs naturally), which apparently neatly situated between “strong enough to easily produce an effect” and “strong enough to easily hurt yourself.” It should be fun. Unfortunately, salvia a bit of a fad at the moment, so the expected horde of dumb teenagers and associated disapproving reactionaries have produced bans in several states, but not (yet?) in Kentucky. (erowid information)
Responsible friends are welcome to join me in playing with this stuff, the way the items are sold means I have far more of each than I am likely to use in a timely manner.
Writing this post is far, far better than thinking about my digital controls test tomorrow, which will eat me.

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Gui Boratto

(Come on Flatpress, let me do an embed…)
Excellent, accessible techno from Brazil, found from the recommended listening page of Questionable Content creator Jeph Jaques (yes, yes, webcomics are bad for you. I know.) I honestly didn’t get into any of the other things currently up there, but Gui Boratto is really excellent.
He strongly reminds me of Underworld, which is an old favorite, but Boratto is perhaps a bit more accessible. Like all accessible techno, it draws comparisons to Daft Punk, which is basically the golden standard for such things, even though the musical style is quite different. “No Turning Back”(embedded from youtube above) off the new album Take My Breath Away is my favorite track thus far. It’s subtle enough to work to, but interesting enough to keep you going, which is how techno should be.

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I finally got to watching the Caprica pilot that has been sitting on my drive for most of the week after I ran out of drive to do useful things last night. It actually looks fairly promising, but it doesn’t grab and hold (a least for me) quite the same way the Galactica miniseries did.


The whole pilot had a very Idoru feel to it, with clever children/teens interacting and plotting in hacked parts of the Internet with virtual reality goggles. The uh… protagonist? Zoe Graystone even sort of reminds me of a composite of the Chia and Zona Rosa characters from Idoru. Smart girls doing daring things with technology is a good hook. The only downside to that premise is that it occasionally feels like one of those godawful shows about self-absorbed teens.

Like Galactica, it gets plenty of social commentary in the mix; there are lots of references to racism (apparently Tauron is a lot like Italy?) and one of the dominant themes is religious freedom; the primary conflict established so far is between the monotheist minority and the polytheist majority on Caprica.

aaand one last thought: Srsly? “The Cylons were created by man” sounded a lot better than “The Cylons were created by an angry dead girl and her deranged grieving father”

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DorkbotLex #2 – Results

I did make it out to this month’s DorkbotLex, the few decent pictures I took are up in a set on flickr. I especially liked the Circuit Bent Toys presentation, it did an excellent job of making circuit modification accessible for those without any engineering background, although I always feel like there should be a little bit of effort to teach the underlying mechanisms when doing that sort of thing.
Some of the equipment for Senom’s DNA extraction demo were lost in transit, so that presentation has been postponed until the next event.

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DorkbotLex #2

A reminder in case anyone else missed the announcement when it went out, the next DorkbotLex is this coming Saturday (2009-04-18), again at CPR.
According to the announce email, the topics this time are:
Circuit bent toys – by artist + UK School of Fine Arts new media professor Dima Strakovsky
Phonograffiti – by Lexington based sound/visual artist Jason Corder aka OfftheSky
Hacked electronics – by Lexington based sound artist Grynden
– Garage science – a mini workshop for everyone that [Senom Yalcin] will lead: DNA extraction using simple materials
It sounds like another good showing, I hope to have time to be there, and encourage everyone interested to come out.

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Summer Reading?

I’ve been considering projects, some from the (poorly maintained) public list and some that never made it there to play with this summer while I’m not taking classes (I will be working on research, just not taking classes). It occurred to me recently that this will be longest continuous time I wasn’t enrolled in a class since the summer after my sophomore year of high school (which is weird), and that makes it an excellent time for projects that require some sort of repeating time commitment.
One idea that appeals strongly is trying to run an internet-based reading group (as not to exclude people scattered elsewhere/require everyone be there at the same time) for some thematic subset of the vast backlog of “Things I need to read to feel like a cultured human being.” (I’ve talked about this phenomena with a couple friends, I suspect most interesting people have such a list, if just in their head. My favorite postsecret card was about this. ) I did a little bit of intensive reading a while ago, when I read several design/usability books in rapid succession, and I think it would be fun to do with a group.
A logical implementation to me is as a mailing list, probably using GoogleGroups (set to private?) AND a chat system of some sort (IRC channel or gTalk or AIM room), so that there was both persistent and immediate (log the chats to the list for both at once?) communication options. Using a community blog/wiki/bbs sort of thing would also be a good option, but that would require a little more infrastructure.
One possible topic that seems like fun given the collection of weirdos I know would be to read (honest) classical erotica, things like Justine, Venus in Furs, and The Story of O. I’d like suggestions for other possible topics, I want something that isn’t what I do most of the time (ie. NOT an Engineering/Math sort of thing), but there are definitely choices a wider group of people are (willing to publicly admit they are) interested in.

Any interest? List ideas? Etc.

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It’s amazing how a night of debauchery every now and then can improve one’s feelings about the world (once the hangover wears off). Pictures and specifics intentionally excluded.

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