Daily Archives: 2022-03-10

CAD/CAM constraint-based geometry sketcher for Blender

Source: Hacker News

Article note: It's sort of shocking how much of a hard problem generalized parametric CAD is, both in the algorithmic and user perspective. The SolveSpace+Blender arrangement here actually seems reasonably pleasant. Also, from the comments, I didn't realize the commercial offerings were almost all front-ends to the same set of kernels, D-Cubed 2D DCM for 2D constraint solving, and either Parasolid or ACIS (or, for Autodesk, a fork of an old version of ACIS) for the geometric kernel. A couple of the small and/or open source players are using different parts, but the big players are basically hyper-specialized chrome.
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Reflow Hotplate Teardown Uncovers the Bare Minimum

Source: Hack a Day

Article note: Ooh, timely, I got curious about those things the other day. Not high on my list of needs, but nice to know they're both quite usable and as sketchy as they seem.

[EEforEveryone] is trying to find a good hot plate for reflow soldering. After trying one cheap unit, he got another one. He was a bit underwhelmed. The grounding was suspect and the bed wasn’t totally flat. He tore it apart and was surprised that there was very little inside. While the construction wasn’t perfect, it was better than the previous unit. You can see a video of the teardown and review below.

Before powering it up, the first order of business was to rewire the ground system. After that, it was time to try it. However, by confusing Fahrenheit and Centigrade, he set the temperature much higher than necessary which creating a little smoke. Fixing the temperature helped, but there was still a bit of a smoky smell that eventually subsided.

The verdict? The hot plate worked well enough, but you probably do want to check the ground wiring before using it. That’s often a good idea where cheap equipment is concerned, anyway. But the real takeaway is that it looks like you could homebrew something equivalent without much trouble. The controller is an off-the-shelf module. A switch and a plug aren’t hard to figure out. The heating element could be a silicone heater or PCB heater meant for a 3D printer.

Of course, there are other options. You could use a wok. Or why not a waffle iron? You can also make a custom PCB.

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