Daily Archives: 2021-12-11

Professional maintainers: a wake-up call

Source: Hacker News

Article note: This is an optimistic take on the whole log4j mess and its many antecedents. It would be _wonderful_ to have a culture where companies routinely paid for (or, you know, even contributed development effort back to) the open source they rely upon rather than viewing it as manna or "nerds I can exploit without even paying a salary." It also seems deeply implausible, and hard to realize without releasing a massive plague of grifters on people building open-source software (fake or high-fee middlemen, 'taking over maintenance' of projects for money, etc..
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Ask HN: Is there a minimal browser like uzbl that is up-to-date?

Source: Hacker News

Article note: The lack of lightweight browsers is because Web tech is a Grey's Law “Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.” situation. Is it just shortsighted complexity fetishists shitting their nest? Is it a concerted effort by google to make the standards so wretched no one else can implement them? Is it a horrible industry-wide conspiracy to sell hardware even though nothing about how we use computers has improved meaningfully in over a decade? I'd love to see a massive reel-back on web tech. Less-to-no client side code. More separate-content-and-presentation so we aren't all getting fucked around by 'design' like the original dream. At least CPU time limits for background code.
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