Daily Archives: 2011-12-26

Social Research

I don’t have the time or energy to make it happen, but I really would like to see a wiki type project which assembled relevant reading lists to go with political speeches/debates/press releases/etc. It wouldn’t be that hard (technically) to gather transcripts and links, especially if crowd sourced, to assemble a claim-by-claim list of relevant studies whenever our political figures open their mouths. Basically, I want to see a giant, crowd sourced version of XKCD’s wikipedian protester. I know it wouldn’t help with the many non-reality-based voters, but it would be nice to have a community resource for those of us who care, especially during election years. Even better, I suspect the folks in the media would use it out of sheer laziness and end up injecting facts into the political process for a change.
In that interest, two of my favorites for common policy debates:
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